morerokk / IreNFist

A continuation/fix of the IreNFist mod for PAYDAY 2
MIT License
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Possible incompatibility with Keepers/Goonmod waypoints mod by TDLQ and invisible weapons for Zeal units bug #39

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago
  1. With Keepers mod, Converted Cops no longer move to the desired waypoint, even if I shouted at them many times. And this issue seemed to happen if I have the IREnFist mod installed. There's also a rare issue in Reservoir Dogs Day 2 on the storage room on the left side where bots and Converted Cops won't move to the area at all.

  2. Invisible weapon(s) bug occurs on light Zeal units--possibly shotgunners. This could be from the mod itself or another incompatibility from other mods. I did try to remove mods that might cause this issue but to no avail.|

A). Invisible Shotgun(?) bug: image image

B). Keepers incompatibility:

And for your information, I also have Better Bots, Monkeepers, and The Fixes mods installed. That might be the root of the issue.

I hope these issues can be fixed with the next update, or otherwise, I'll have to remove Keepers mod.

morerokk commented 3 years ago

I use Better Bots all the time so that should work.

InF doesn't work well with Iter and therefore Iter should be disabled (but kept installed to satisfy Keepers). In turn, lacking Iter may cause Keepers to add oddly. I'll see what I can do about this.

The invisible weapon thing is new to me, I'm not sure why that's happening. I'll look into it, thanks.

I don't use The Fixes mod either but I'll make a test run with that too.

morerokk commented 3 years ago

It should be noted that I brought up the issues with Iter and Full Speed Swarm many times with TdlQ. His response was to ignore the problem and tell me that the problem doesn't exist.

Nearly all of his mods carry an absolute fuckton of feature creep with them (such as automatically banning players for using incendiary melee weapons or "invalid" custom weapons, or breaking the cop flank/hold AI, forcing cops to always rush directly at the players), and it has the tendency to break with other mods installed. There's a reason the compatibility warnings with Iter on startup are there.

I'll see what I can do, but don't expect any miracles.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your response and your attempt to fix the issues.

That's unfortunate and explains his and his mods sudden disappearance from modworkshop. I don't have Iter installed ever since I used this mod, and I only used TDLQ's Monkeepers and Keepers mods prior to this report. And that's because I play solo most of my time. Still, I understand why it may be arduous to solve the incompatibility issues.

As of now, I already removed Keepers, but I kept Monkeepers since I don't have an issue with it, yet. However, your statements regarding TDLQ's mods make me inclined to remove it.

Also, it is worth pointing out that the invisible weapon bug didn't occur with the previous version(s) of IREnFist.

Bwamo commented 3 years ago

To add to this, I've noticed a few Murkywater npcs running around without a weapon as well. Also only started noticing it after the Zeal Shotgunner update.

morerokk commented 3 years ago

It's probably something going wrong in their weapon replacement code. This code only runs on DS though. Does it also happen below DS? @Bwamo

ghost commented 3 years ago

I'll try to scrutinize this issue further, and I found something even more fascinating. The invisible weapon doesn't occur on Zeal or Death Sentence's shotgunners and seems to be random.

First, I tried to dominate and convert a light Zeal unit with an invisible weapon. The intention was to examine whether this bug occurs on shotgunners and/or Death Sentence units only or not: payday2_win32_release_mya7x82UoF

However, after I converted them, the weapon appeared: payday2_win32_release_aVObBJBqwj

I tried it twice: payday2_win32_release_XIaeYeZRFC

The weapon depicted on the image looks like MP5. However, I noticed that there were some units that (already) have MP5 visible without converting them. payday2_win32_release_2OX2P0WO2P

Light Zeal unit with an Invisible weapon: payday2_win32_release_bNxNYBhXNd I tried it on Death Wish and every unit appeared with their respective weapons, but I'm quite uncertain.

I have no mods that change the way Converted Cops behave, so could this be an error with Zeal units and/or Death Sentence difficulty only?

morerokk commented 3 years ago

There's probably some Zeal unit supplied in Overkill's broken/unused spawngroups that's actually totally broken, which makes sense because DS was added after they broke them. Most likely it's a wrong unit file or something. I can probably force-give these guys a weapon and fix any invalid unit paths.

morerokk commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your testing and helping narrow it down, it's very much appreciated!

Bwamo commented 3 years ago

Was able to reproduce it as well 20200916135516_1 20200916135822_1

Can also confirm that dominating and converting them does give them an MP5. 20200916144246_1 20200916144301_1

morerokk commented 3 years ago

It's rather strange that this is happening to just the MP5 dudes. Does it only happen to them? I can patch over that quite easily but I honestly have no clue why they'd spawn without a weapon sometimes.

It'ss known that Jokers have invisible weapons sometimes, this happens on every unit on any difficulty and I haven't been able to deduce what causes it (and it's probably not even InF's fault).

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hmm, Shotgunners on both DW and DS worked fine from what I've tested, the same goes with blues with CAR-4 and UMP45s.



Edit: I can confirm that dominating and converting a cop can make their weapon both disappear and reappear, even without this mod, but I could not narrow down why some units have invisible weapons whenever they spawn into the map.

I believe this happens to Death Sentence's MP5 units only...and probably due to Overkill's bad coding as well. payday2_win32_release_Z8lBpbQLak

(I apologize for the constant edits, lol)

morerokk commented 3 years ago

I was going to push an update to forcibly fix this last night, but I got sidetracked into adding something new to the squad/enemy stuff so it'll have to wait for just a bit. Expect a fix for the invisible/missing weapons soon! Thanks for your investigative work, it's very much appreciated.

I'll make sure to work on the Keepers/Iter stuff tonight as well.

ghost commented 3 years ago

That's nice! Thank you for addressing these issues.

morerokk commented 3 years ago

Issue is currently being tested on the experimental branch. I'm testing this myself too, if all goes well I'll merge it to main.

You can extract the IRE AND FIST REBORN folder into your PAYDAY 2/mods folder. It might be best to remove the existing folder first.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I've downloade the experimental version, and unfortunately, the issue still persists: payday2_win32_release_U3H2dggB0A


morerokk commented 3 years ago

That's quite odd.

Regardless, I'll be merging the experimental build into the main branch since it's been confirmed to not crash. I'll work on this issue some more in the meantime.

morerokk commented 3 years ago

Does the enemy invisible weapons happen with InF's rainbow assaults disabled? I have a suspicion that this is related to lighter units spawning on DS with the "rainbow assaults" feature enabled.

You don't have to disable all assault tweaks, just the "rainbow assaults".

ghost commented 3 years ago

Is it for the enemy variety option?

If so, yes the problem still persists even with the option disabled: payday2_win32_release_MEgLbmPgaw

(Unrelated with this bug, but I found another bug. Shall I create another issue, or can I post it here to make it less "cluttered"?)

morerokk commented 3 years ago

I think I found the issue, I'll just have to do a bit more testing.

It seems to no longer happen if I take out the weapon replacement code. Most likely it's this code that's bugged, and those lighter units with invisible weapons were actually just light shotgunners. I'll probably have a fix soon.

This won't fix the jokers, but since their weapons seem to randomly appear/disappear I suspect this is a different issue.

morerokk commented 3 years ago

Also if you found another bug, feel free to report it in a separate issue.

ghost commented 3 years ago


morerokk commented 3 years ago

I did indeed find the issue, but sadly in order to fix it I'll temporarily have to rid the DS units of their shotgunners. I'll get a fix out soon.

morerokk commented 3 years ago

Disregard, looks like I was able to fix this completely, and they even get to keep their shotguns! Will push update soon-ish.