Closed scribblemaniac closed 7 years ago
Fantastic! ^__^
I have set up Travis configuration. I am not sure where to generate GitHub access token?
It's under your Github settings. This should probably link to the right page: Then you click generate token, give it a name, and give it the public_repo permission.
Done! I have generated a token and added it to Travis.
Okay, this should be ready to pull then! 😉
This will use Travis to automatically commit updates to the srt files when changes to the msrt files are pushed. Before this will work properly, @morevnaproject will need to sign into Travis CI and enable travis integration for this repository. Then generate a Github access token and either add it to the .travis.yml file with these commands in the main repo directory:
or by adding it to the environment variables section of the travis repository settings with the name GH_REPO_TOKEN and the value of your personal access token.