morganstanley / followapp-core

Analytics backed, cloud-based technology solution to remind and follow up with underprivileged mothers living in slums for their children's critical immunization
Apache License 2.0
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Calling service code cleanup #2

Closed meherzad closed 4 years ago

meherzad commented 4 years ago

Cleanup code by removing domain objects within the calling service implementation to ensure API code is independent of domain or actual API implementation

meherzad commented 4 years ago

callDetails.setCallFlowId(rs.getString("CALL_FLOW_ID")); callDetails.setCallbackEndPoint(rs.getString("CALLBACK_END_POINT")); CallflowId and CallbackEndpoint are being mapped in the mapper but I don't see the fields being pulled within the stored proc(get_call_details) implementation with the code

We need to confirm the actual deployed sproc should have these fields and we need to update the sproc implementation within SVC.