morhetz / gruvbox

Retro groove color scheme for Vim
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Info necessary for making a port of this colorscheme #10

Closed greduan closed 10 years ago

greduan commented 10 years ago

So I've recently been slowly moving to Emacs. And while the Zenburn theme isn't terrible, it isn't good either (IMO).

So far this theme has been by far my favorite so I'd like to port it to the Emacs version.

Already have a repo ready for it:

So really all I need is info that'll save me time. Like, color for integers, strings, variable names and all that stuff. Clear instructions on that please! So that I don't mess it up in the port by accident. :)

And of course, the color values themselves. :)

Thanks again, and keep up the good work. :)

morhetz commented 10 years ago

@Greduan As I can see there is already one emacs-port attempt, can't say where it's good or not since I'm not familiar with emacs that much to have a founded opinion. If you found it suitable enough you could help leemachin with pull request.

Speaking of colors, try looking at gruvbox.vim Palette subsection - I've tried to make it well commented with both hex-codes and 256-RGB color values description so it should be pretty straightforward.

And I suppose, I can't help you with syntax highlighting that much, since vim and emacs highlighting differs a lot. Anyway most basic types are described inside Syntax Highlighting subsection of Vanilla colorscheme (like "Comment", "Keyword", "PreProc", "Number", "String", etc.). Don't be afraid of messing things up since gruvbox is not something like Solarized in terms of being stuck and conservative: I prefer different highlight for different filetypes - just compare, say, vimscript, html and clojure files. I try to keep just a few colors permanent like numbers, strings highlighting; but variables, keywords and preproc directives are very different things at different languages. And sometimes keeping numbers/strings/comments highlighting as base are driving me to change other highlighting (again, see clojure file - it has less red and more green-orange in common).

If you still can't get what I'm saying about try looking at Steve Losh's great badwolf. Compare how it's highlighting Pythono, HTML and Clojure files pretty different, but keeping holistic color feel.

And while as vim-fanboy I hope you'll get back from emacs, I wish you good luck at porting, feel free to ask me whatever you need.

greduan commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your answer. :)

I checked out his port, it works great on the GUI version (MacVim for Emacs) but in the terminal it doesn't seem to define stuff like the background, so I think I'll just make my own port from zero, taking his as a baseline since I'm not familiar with Emacs themes.

I'll try to make it as feature full as the Solarized and Zenburn themes are so it'll be one of the themes that are up there once I'm done with it.

And don't worry, it's not a full move to Emacs. I'm still using Vim for single file edits, but for projects I'm using Emacs. Also I'm using Evil so I'm still using Vim keybindings. :)

You may want to give it a try yourself. :)

Also, it's only temporary I think. Once Light Table v1.0 is released that'll probably become my main editor. If you can have a terminal inside it that is (not for the editor but for command line commands). :)