morhetz / gruvbox

Retro groove color scheme for Vim
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Not taking the dark contrast. #307

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hello, this is odd. I managed to pull it first time I installed it, but now it doesn't want to work.


line    4:
E121: Undefined variable: g:gruvbox_contrast_dark
Press ENTER or type command to continue```

.vimrc has 

let g:gruvbox_contrast_dark

colorscheme gruvbox 

added to it.

What else could be failing?

Mentioning this is running on default OSX terminal on ElCap + Vim 7.3

I'm at loss, and thanks in advance for any help!
ghost commented 4 years ago

Also sorry, I dunno why my style edits not working on this post!

ghost commented 4 years ago

Ok, moving to iTerm2 to see if that fixes the issue.

EDit: Can't use iTerm2 because ElCap

ghost commented 4 years ago

Welp, seems like it works perfectly on iTerm2 for El Cap, or I don't know if the iTerm2 theme is actually overriding gruvbox, either way I'm happy!