morhetz / gruvbox

Retro groove color scheme for Vim
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Tags in html are not highlighted as in the screenshot #374

Closed hrqmonteiro closed 3 years ago

hrqmonteiro commented 3 years ago

In the screenshots on the gallery, tags in html like navbar are highlighted differently than the others (is white on the picture)


but this is not actually happening when i installed the theme:


Is there any config i'm missing?

cube-p commented 3 years ago

do you have set termguicolors in your .vimrc/init.vim?

hrqmonteiro commented 3 years ago

do you have set termguicolors in your .vimrc/init.vim?

Yes. That is not the problem.

cube-p commented 3 years ago

Can you share your vimrc / init.vim? if I do not find anything strange it is possible that it is a problem of the same scheme

hrqmonteiro commented 3 years ago

Can you share your vimrc / init.vim? if I do not find anything strange it is possible that it is a problem of the same scheme

The problem is in the scheme. I made a minimal vim config, with no plugins activated and only installed gruvbox, and i started vim with it. Still different.

Are the colors like the screenshot to you? Also i looked at gruvbox.vim, and there's no hi html* section that colorizes only tags like main. That's why i opened the issue.

And i wanted it colorized like that, it looks fine.

cube-p commented 3 years ago

after creating an html file, if I color the navbar tag


hrqmonteiro commented 3 years ago

Well the navbar tag was already right here, the issue was with the "main". In the screenshots it is colored white, but in here it is not.

hrqmonteiro commented 3 years ago

I'll close cause i think this is some misconception or some visual tweak on the screenshots and is not getting solved, and that's okay.