morhetz / gruvbox

Retro groove color scheme for Vim
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Dim colors in termguicolors mode #382

Open radio-van opened 3 years ago

radio-van commented 3 years ago

I've used gruvbox without setting termguicolors and I'm used to slightly dim colors in that mode. However, although my terminal background color was exactly the same (235, #282828), it was different from vim's background and there was a couple of lines at the edges of vim window. Now I use vim with set termguicolors and backgrounds of terminal and vim perfectly match, but colors are too bright (and g:gruvbox_contrast_dark = 'soft' has no effect on foreground colors). Is there a way to keep dimmed colors and have termguicolors? Or maybe another approach to match terminal (btw I use Alacritty) and vim colors? On screenshot below vim with termguicolors on the left and without on the right. Red circle shows mismatching colors of vim and terminal backgrounds. vim