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Why Is the an Indented Line, or a Line with Greater than 4 Spaces in Markdown Colored Green? #395

Open K4LCIFER opened 3 years ago

K4LCIFER commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure why this is, but it can be rather annoying for things like lists in markdown. Once you get past a list nest of greater than 2, the line turns green which is rather unpleasant to look at.

To get this to happen, all you have to do is type more than 4 spaces, or simply press tab, and observe that the rest of the text on that line will be coloured a muted green.

m1t0z commented 1 year ago

Hi!. Have the same issue inside my markdown notes. Is there maybe any setting/recipe to change this behavior?


After experiencing the same problem with tokyonight colorscheme did a more deep investigation and found the common root-cause.

Looks like the issue comes from the vim-markdown ( which is a default syntax highlighting and filetype plugin for Markdown.

AFAIK there is no yet solution for this problem. Check these issues for more details:

As one of the possible temporal and far from ideal workaround you can try to use : syn clear markdownCodeBlock.