morhetz / gruvbox

Retro groove color scheme for Vim
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Void variable `gruvbox-accent-00` when loaded via `use-package` #430

Closed Remillard closed 1 year ago

Remillard commented 1 year ago

I'm running into a problem that I've got on one laptop but haven't had on any other installation. I cannot figure out what's going on. In my init.el file I have:

(use-package  gruvbox-theme
    (load-theme 'gruvbox-dark-hard t nil))

(Note, this was formerly just t and not t nil for the optional args to load-theme but I've been experimenting.) In any event, I then get the following message on loading emacs 28:

Error (use-package) : gruvbox-theme/:catch: Symbol's value as variable is void: gruvbox-accent-00

If I subsequently just M-x load-theme gruvbox-dark-hard it works just fine (or if initiated via the Menu Color Themes.

Any ideas? Seems to be an interaction with use-package but there's nothing gruvbox ought to need as a precursor is there? I might try after-init-hook and see but I don't have any issues on other machines where I have exactly the same call in init.el

Remillard commented 1 year ago

Ahh, my apologies. I got the wrong repository for the Emacs variation. Closing this issue as non-solvable here.