morhetz / gruvbox

Retro groove color scheme for Vim
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Colors changed drastically after the nvim 10.0 update #459

Open Rahim-444 opened 1 month ago

Rahim-444 commented 1 month ago

nvim 9.5 image

nvim 10.0

plgruener commented 1 month ago

You're reporting this issue to the wrong repo. If the change was caused by an update of nvim, you gotta report it there. (I've seen similar reports for multiple colorschemes now, but idk if that breaking change was intentional or not).
In fact this repo (the original gruvbox) has not received an update to the colors or highlight groups in over 6 years (just view the commit log). Plus it's not even neovim-aware. If you want a more up-to-date gruvbox, checkout gruvbox-community or gruvbox.nvim.

edit: this was an intentional breaking change by Neovim, see

Rahim-444 commented 1 month ago

the problem isn't related to nvim, they just changed the original colorScheme, most color schemes set their own colors for everything so if nvim changes its colors i won't affect the color scheme, this is not the case for gruvbox. example : gruvbox image tokyonight

ArtemChandragupta commented 1 month ago

I have this issue too. Any progress?

Nukesor commented 1 month ago

For any neovim users, just switch to ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim, which is a Neovim Lua port that works just fine (It's also well-maintained)