moribvndvs / ng2-idle

Responding to idle users in Angular (not AngularJS) applications.
Apache License 2.0
315 stars 128 forks source link

New Maintainer Wanted #97

Open moribvndvs opened 6 years ago

moribvndvs commented 6 years ago

Greetings, all!

I know a lot of you are wondering about the status of this project and are perhaps (and understandably) annoyed about turn around time and status of issues.

First, I still feel the use cases and implementation pattern of this module (and ng-idle) are distinct and useful from other solutions out there. However, I have an admission to make: I've been cheating on you (the Angular community). Most of my work in the past year and a half has been with React. This means that I'm just not invested into Angular like I might have been in the past, which I suppose makes me a bit of a liability to the project. So, in the short term, it's a good idea for the project to be handled over to a new lead contributor that can keep it maintained and grow it alongside Angular.

Second, I mentioned my interest in the architecture. So much so that I've replicated it a few times now (original was jQuery, then AngularJS, and then Angular... I've even got a stripped down version for React). I'm still interested in it! However, I'm thinking that maybe we can create a new org (IdleJS or something like that) where the core functionality is defined as vanilla JS, and we have framework-specific adapter modules for things like Angular and React. That way the entire community can enjoy a consistent implementation pattern for these use cases, and fans of a particular framework can concentrate on adapting it for their environment. I suppose the biggest hitch would be whether or not we can make a consistent core that works for popular frameworks that isn't encumbered, dependency-heavy, or too large.

Anyways, I'm interested to hear what you think. Also, those that are interested in helming the current project, definitely speak up.

plisovyi commented 6 years ago

Hey. Although IdleJS is a great idea (not kidding, having ideology and architecture of solution and multiple implementations are just great in my books) I do think you should handle over the control if you lack the time or desire to continue. I saw there's PR with updated required for use with version 6 of RxJS and Angular and there's no response for some time already. So, my vote is — get org going, while handling keys to someone willing to too.

moribvndvs commented 6 years ago

@plisovyi Yes, that was my intention was regardless, hand over ng-idle as-is and work on a cross platform version later.

MHacker9404 commented 6 years ago

I'd be more than willing to help, not necessarily as maintainer, but I'd love to contribute as best I can

moribvndvs commented 3 years ago

Hey, all. I just wanted to bump this up again to get visibility. I had been working with a group to take over maintenance but I think we both fizzled out and the main contact I had left that original group.

bh3605 commented 3 years ago

I think this project is just small enough that I think I could put time in maintaining it. The project as is, I wouldn't know what would need updating until I scoured the entire codebase and started fixing some of the reported bugs on it and adding necessary documentation so devs know what everything does. I do have experience updating npm packages at my current organization.

moribvndvs commented 3 years ago

Thanks for stepping up! Fortunately i think version updates aren’t too bad. I believe the CLI has a task to handle deps for you. The rest is just dealing with breaking changes and releasing. We should also consider Greenkeeper or something to automate this and relieve some of the burden.

We can discuss in an email or chat on how to proceed if you’re still interested.

bh3605 commented 3 years ago

Greenkeeper is losing all support. It's moving its current userbase over to Would rather using that over something that's no longer accepting no users haha.

moribvndvs commented 3 years ago

Whoops, well fair enough. Well anyway, let me do a little housekeeping here, then I think perhaps we can work out a targeted list to attack with you added as a maintainer, then figure out what to do what you’ve got a handle on it.

bh3605 commented 3 years ago

Sounds good! Looking forward to this (=

I'm excited to be helping the open source community.

un1c0rnr1d3r commented 3 years ago

@moribvndvs I'm interested in helping to maintain this library as well. Currently working with a client who has a need for this library in an Angular 11 SSR scenario. Beyond that, I have been looking for an open source project to contribute to in my spare time and I have ~5 years of real world Angular experience to bring to the table.

SuperITMan commented 3 years ago

@moribvndvs I'm interested too for helping to maintain the library. We use your library in our framework NationalBankBelgium/stark and we're currently updating it to Angular 12 😊 I have ~5 years of Angular experience.

moribvndvs commented 3 years ago

Hey sorry about my negligence to the interested parties. I'm really glad to hear about the interest in maintaining the project. Full disclosure: I've never handed off maintenance in an OSS project before, so bear with me.

Here are some general thoughts I have:

  1. Ensure lead can manage repo settings, CI/coverage, and publish to npm
  2. Get releases for the newer versions of Angular out
  3. Fix high priority bugs
  4. Update demos (move to in-repo so they're up to date and easier to maintain) and documentation
  5. Get snyk or whatever working to automated updating deps and submitting PRs to help alleviate the burden
SuperITMan commented 3 years ago


I think it's a good idea that you keep the ownership on the project for multiple reasons. This can also be done through an "ng-idle" organization 😊

For my part, I can help to implement CI/CD with GitHub Actions, coveralls, dependabot, snyk, SonarCloud,... as I have some experience with them. I'll do a first implementation and share it through a PR this week or the week after. For the rest, I can help to update the project with Angular updates with other people 👍

bh3605 commented 3 years ago

I'm interested in being the lead maintainer. I maintain a couple of my employer's own private npm packages so addressing high priority bugs, documenting everything, and publishing to npm is peanuts to me. =)

SuperITMan commented 3 years ago

Hey @bh3605 @worksoncloud @moribvndvs

As promised last week, I created a 1st PR (#154) to switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions. Could you have look? 😊

moribvndvs commented 2 years ago

@worksoncloud I've kicked this off by adding you as a collaborator. I'm not ignoring everyone else that volunteered, I just don't want to throw everyone at it at once and create chaos.

I did cover above the first things I think need to be tackled to get this moving, copied again for your convenience:

  1. Ensure lead can manage repo settings, CI/coverage, and publish to npm
  2. Get releases for the newer versions of Angular out
  3. Fix high priority bugs
  4. Update demos (move to in-repo so they're up to date and easier to maintain) and documentation
  5. Get snyk or whatever working to automated updating deps and submitting PRs to help alleviate the burden

I created a Discord server to facilitate discussions needed to get these things done, hopefully that's acceptable. Just join and shout out in #general if you were one of the collaborator volunteers and I'll add you to the collaborators channel.

moribvndvs commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @SuperITMan for the GH Actions, nice to have that taken care of.

SuperITMan commented 2 years ago

@moribvndvs @worksoncloud

Could you add me as collaborator too? 😊 Like this, I could configure correctly GitHub Actions, Snyk, Dependabot...

ryltar commented 2 years ago

@moribvndvs Hi, did you move forward with idleJS ? Looks like to be a great idea btw. We are using ng-idle in my company and we faced some issues using angular 10. If you don't find enough maintainers for this repo, i can help you. (I've joined the discord server).

Eldorados commented 8 months ago

Wondering what the status is on this, has new maintainers been found?

There's a couple PR's open that would be very nice to fix, mainly one that addresses when browsers/tabs are put to 'sleep' and has been open for 4 years now

Also support for Angular 16

AdrianRomanski commented 1 month ago

@moribvndvs help is still needed?