morilog / jalali

This Package helps developers to easily work with Jalali (Shamsi or Iranian) dates in php appliations, based on Jalali (Shamsi) DateTime class.
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is there method like isJalali #163

Open sirosfakhri opened 10 months ago

sirosfakhri commented 10 months ago

in my project, I need to check if the date is Jalali or Gregorian?! so, is there any method like this?

\Morilog\Jalali\CalendarUtils::isJalali('1402-06-06'); // TRUE
\Morilog\Jalali\CalendarUtils::isJalali('2023-08-23'); // FALSE
alisalehi1380 commented 10 months ago

Hello to mr. Morteza Parvini and Siros Fakhri.


because checkdate() func native in php supportes this : image numbers.

and that's way isJalali() function returns true in both cases!

and in the related testes : image this issue has not tested.