morincer / teamcity-plugin-saml

The plug-in adds ability to authenticate users by SAML-based SSO providers (like Okta, Onelogin etc.)
MIT License
24 stars 16 forks source link

Broken in 2020.1.3 due to new token-based CSRF protection #55

Closed fatmcgav closed 4 years ago

fatmcgav commented 4 years ago

So I've just updated our dev server to 2020.1.3, and was presented with the following error:

403 Forbidden: Responding with 403 status code due to failed CSRF check: authenticated POST request is made, but neither tc-csrf-token parameter nor X-TC-CSRF-Token header are provided.. For a temporary workaround, you can set internal property teamcity.csrf.paranoid=false  and provide valid Origin= header with your request

It looks like a new feature was added in 2020.1.3 - TW-49672 which now requires the use of a tc-csrf-token param or a X-TC-CSRF-Token header.

Will be digging into possibly fixes shortly, but wanted to raise issue for awareness...

fatmcgav commented 4 years ago suggests using the RelayState query param to pass the tc-csrf-token around, and it should get echo'd back to TC on a successful login...

Though looking through the history here, I found which added support for this already, so not sure what's going on here...

morincer commented 4 years ago

Yes, the support for this stuff is already implemented. Do you have the "SAML Callback CORS Filer Exception" enabled in your settings? If yes - I guess it might be again an issue with URL behind LB. Anyway, enable debug-auth logging preset (or even better - my brand new SAML logging preset) and attach teamcity-auth.log file.

fatmcgav commented 4 years ago

@morincer So yeh, the Filter exception is enabled.

Attached is a relevant log extract. teamcity-auth.log

LMK if need anymore info.


morincer commented 4 years ago

Do you have full auth debug enabled? I don't see Csrf filter-related message - but it's configured to send debug messages even when it's disabled

fatmcgav commented 4 years ago

My bad, looks like I messed something up there...

Updated log attached: teamcity-auth-cors.log

morincer commented 4 years ago

I see that the callback URL configured is but it should be (with trailing slash) - that's causing custom CORS filter to not understand the destination path. Would you please try with a valid trailing slash? And also - did you get the callback URL without slash from somewhere in UI or metadata or it was just a copy-paste typo?

Meanwhile I will make the filter slash-agnostic

fatmcgav commented 4 years ago

Wow, the devil really is in the detail there...

Yeh, looks like a typo on my part when transferring into to setup request.

Value tweaked and logged straight in...

Sorry for the noise... 😏

morincer commented 4 years ago

The devil is in the fact that URL manipulations are always painful or at least I don't know a good small Java library for this :) Anyway, hope my fix closes the issue for future generations (however I don't know if the SAML strict mode would get exhausted for the URL differences)