morinlab / GAMBLR.results

A collection of functions to access results of the Genomic Analysis of Mature B-cell Lymphomas
MIT License
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`get_ssm_by_regions()` fails on regions with 0 mutations #19

Open lkhilton opened 9 months ago

lkhilton commented 9 months ago

Reprex for testing:

exon_bed <- read_tsv(
    col_names = c("chrom", "start", "end")

IRF4 <- grch37_lymphoma_genes_bed %>% 
    filter(hgnc_symbol == "IRF4")

IRF4_exomes <- exon_bed %>% 
        chrom == 6,
        (start < IRF4$start_position & end > IRF4$start_position) |  
        (start < IRF4$start_position & end > IRF4$end_position) | 
        (start > IRF4$start_position & end < IRF4$end_position)

    regions_bed = IRF4_exomes[8,],
    this_seq_type = "genome", 
    streamlined = FALSE, 
    basic_columns = TRUE


[1] "6:407254-407798"
Error in methods::as(data[[i]], colClasses[i]) : 
  no method or default for coercing “character” to “l”