morinlab / GAMBLR.viz

Collection of functions to make plots for Genomic Analysis of Mature B-cell Lymphomas in R
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handle all calls to metadata when not provided #2

Closed Kdreval closed 11 months ago

Kdreval commented 11 months ago

Ok this is ready to be looked at, substitutes all the metadata calls with the data

Kdreval commented 11 months ago

This is ready for re-review

vladimirsouza commented 11 months ago

You need to run devtools::document()

vladimirsouza commented 11 months ago

This could be my installation. To make this branch work, we have to install your kdreval-helpers-setup branch (not pushed to GAMBLR.helpers main yet) before it, right?

#get lymphgen colours
lymphgen_colours = get_gambl_colours(classification = "lymphgen")

#build plot
ashm_multi_rainbow_plot(regions_to_display = c("BCL2-TSS",
                        custom_colours = lymphgen_colours,
                        seq_type = "genome")
Error in `arrange()` at GAMBLR.viz/R/ashm_multi_rainbow_plot.R:55:4:
ℹ In argument: `..1 = pathology_rank`.
Caused by error:
! object 'pathology_rank' not found
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.

The error happens in the line

meta_arranged = arrange(metadata, pathology_rank, lymphgen)

It looks like there is no pathology_rank column in the returned data.frame from GAMBLR.helpers::handle_metadata():

any( names(metadata) == "pathology_rank" )
# [1] FALSE
Kdreval commented 11 months ago

Thanks for reporting, the pathology_rank is not part of the gambl_metadata but I will add it now

Kdreval commented 11 months ago

Ok the pathology_rank column was added as is now part of the PR in that repo

Kdreval commented 11 months ago

You need to run devtools::document()

Can confirm it was run. No files were modified in order to push to remote, so everything should be in place ✅ Maybe you mentioned something that is not in sync?

vladimirsouza commented 11 months ago

Ok the pathology_rank column was added as is now part of the PR in that repo

I updated my local copy of your GAMBLR.helpers branch with git pull and it said Already up to date.. Have you pushed your commit?

Kdreval commented 11 months ago

Yes. Don't forget to pull the master from and install it, too

Kdreval commented 11 months ago

This is the commit you should make sure to be up-to-date with. It is on master already

vladimirsouza commented 11 months ago

ashm_multi_rainbow_plot is working perfectly now.

Kdreval commented 11 months ago

Thanks for confirming, great news! :scienceparrot:

vladimirsouza commented 11 months ago

Screenshot from 2023-08-09 14-43-01 Nothing important, but when I run devtools::document() on this branch, this files are modified.

vladimirsouza commented 11 months ago

For me, the branch can be merged.