morinlab / GAMBLR.viz

Collection of functions to make plots for Genomic Analysis of Mature B-cell Lymphomas in R
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The annotation shows values not present in the data #35

Closed Kdreval closed 5 months ago

Kdreval commented 5 months ago

I wonder if someone can reproduce/check if this is a bug.

genome_ssm_data = get_coding_ssm()
ssm_data_capture = get_coding_ssm(this_seq_type = "capture")
all_ssm = bind_rows(ssm_data_capture,genome_ssm_data) #combine all ssm into one large data frame

#this makes a plot with every cohort in the legend even if no samples from the cohort exist in the MAF
prettyOncoplot(maf_df = all_ssm,these_samples_metadata = 
               minMutationPercent = 5,metadataColumns = c("pathology","cohort"),
               sortByColumns = c("pathology","cohort"))

# Expected functionality (requires an explicit filter)
# this only shows the relevant cohorts in the legend (i.e. those in the oncoplot)
prettyOncoplot(maf_df = all_ssm,these_samples_metadata = 
                 filter(all_sample_meta,sample_id %in% all_ssm$Tumor_Sample_Barcode),
               minMutationPercent = 5,metadataColumns = c("pathology","cohort"),
               sortByColumns = c("pathology","cohort"))```

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Kdreval commented 5 months ago

Closing as completed