morinlab / GAMBLR

Set of standardized functions to operate with genomic data
MIT License
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GAMBLR Website and cBioPortal #192

Closed mattssca closed 1 year ago

mattssca commented 1 year ago

Pull Request Checklists

Important: When opening a pull request, keep only the applicable checklist and delete all other sections.

Checklist for all PRs


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Optional but preferred with PRs

Checklist for New Functions



#' Use GISTIC2.0 scores output to reproduce maftools::chromoplot with more flexibility
#' @param scores output file scores.gistic from the run of GISTIC2.0
#' @param genes_to_label optional. Provide a data frame of genes to label (if mutated). The first 3 columns must contain chromosome, start, and end coordinates. Another required column must contain gene names and be named `gene`. (truncated for example)
#' @param cutoff optional. Used to determine which regions to color as aberrant. Must be float in the range [0-1]. (truncated for example)


#' @return nothing
#' @export
#' @import tidyverse ggrepel

Checklist for changes to existing code

mattssca commented 1 year ago

To the reviewer (or anyone interested in contributing)

Let's have a discussion on how to categorize the different GAMBLR functions best. This relates to how the functions will be organized on the reference page. This is specified in the _pkgdown.yml file.

This is how the functions are currently being grouped:


Functions used to annotate GAMBL data.

Bundled Data

This is the bundled data used by GAMBLR.


Functions tailored to setting up a new study or updating an existing cBioPortal instance.


GAMBLR functions fall under the check category.

Get Data

A collection of functions used to retrieve data of different types.


Functions used to write or read GAMBL data.


Functions used for visualizing GAMBL data.

Statistical Testing and Computing

Functions used for executing statistical and other calculations on incoming GAMBL data.


A collection of functions that fall under the utility category.

Besides updates relating to GAMBLR website, this PR also includes an update to finalize_study. This update allows for additional sample-level summary fields to be added to the clinical metadata file. The function now internally calls collate_results and joins with the full metadata. This allows us to pick any columns available in the collated results output (and the standard metadata). If no such columns are specified, the function will run in the same way it did prior to this update.

See function documentation and examples for more info.

mattssca commented 1 year ago

This is the updated groups and contents (based on the discussion in Slack) of the reference page;


Functions used to annotate GAMBL data.

Bundled Data

This is the bundled data used by GAMBLR.


Functions tailored to setting up a new study or updating an existing cBioPortal instance.


GAMBLR functions that fall under the check category.

Get Data

A collection of functions used to retrieve data of different types.


Functions used for visualizing GAMBL data.

Statistical tests and Computing

Functions used for executing statistical and other calculations on incoming GAMBL data.


A collection of functions that fall under the utility category.