morinlab / GAMBLR

Set of standardized functions to operate with genomic data
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Fix error in get_ssm_by_samples function #199

Closed vladimirsouza closed 1 year ago

vladimirsouza commented 1 year ago

get_ssm_by_samples function uses parallel::mclapply internally. But it neither import mclapply nor add parallel:: prefix to mclapply. Hence, the error

could not find function "mclapply"

may be returned (which could be avoided by running library(parallel) before calling get_ssm_by_samples).

Other functions that use get_ssm_by_samples internally (e.g. get_ssm_by_patients) return the same error.

Add parallel:: prefix to mclapply.

Pull Request Checklists

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#set sample IDs
these_samples = c("HTMCP-01-06-00485-01A-01D", 

these_samples_ssm = get_ssm_by_samples(these_sample_ids = these_samples,
                                       projection = "grch37",
                                       seq_type = "genome")

#set patient IDs
these_patients = c("00-14595", 

these_patients_ssm = get_ssm_by_patients(these_patient_ids = these_patients,
                                         seq_type = "genome",
                                         projection = "grch37")

Visualization of the these_samples_ssm object:

> head(these_samples_ssm, 3)
   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_Position
1:     Unknown              0      .     GRCh37          1        5507023
2:      CAMTA1              0      .     GRCh37          1        7304379
3:        PER3              0      .     GRCh37          1        7888519
   End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele
1:      5507023      +                    IGR          SNP                C
2:      7304379      +                 Intron          SNP                G
3:      7888519      +                 Intron          SNP                G
   Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS dbSNP_Val_Status
1:                 C                 G    novel               NA
2:                 G                 A    novel               NA
3:                 G                 A    novel               NA
        Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1
1: HTMCP-01-06-00485-01A-01D   HTMCP-01-06-00485-12B-01D                      C
2: HTMCP-01-06-00485-01A-01D   HTMCP-01-06-00485-12B-01D                      G
3: HTMCP-01-06-00485-01A-01D   HTMCP-01-06-00485-12B-01D                      G
   Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1 Tumor_Validation_Allele2
1:                      C                       NA                       NA
2:                      G                       NA                       NA
3:                      G                       NA                       NA
   Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2
1:                            NA                            NA
2:                            NA                            NA
3:                            NA                            NA
   Verification_Status Validation_Status Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase
1:                  NA                NA              NA               NA
2:                  NA                NA              NA               NA
3:                  NA                NA              NA               NA
   Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score BAM_File Sequencer Tumor_Sample_UUID
1:              NA                NA    NA       NA        NA                NA
2:              NA                NA    NA       NA        NA                NA
3:              NA                NA    NA       NA        NA                NA
   Matched_Norm_Sample_UUID         HGVSc HGVSp HGVSp_Short   Transcript_ID
1:                       NA                                                
2:                       NA c.303-5172G>A                   ENST00000303635
3:                       NA c.2862+644G>A                   ENST00000361923
   Exon_Number t_depth t_ref_count t_alt_count n_depth n_ref_count n_alt_count
1:                  66          33          33      40          40           0
2:                  74          37          36      34          34           0
3:                  70          29          41      33          33           0

Optional but preferred with PRs

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vladimirsouza commented 1 year ago

Please, notice that I didn't check the pkgdown::build_site step of the checklist, since it is not working for me. See error message in this slack discussion.

vladimirsouza commented 1 year ago

I updated this branch to contain the last pushes to master.