Closed JuliaLopezDelgado closed 3 years ago
This seems to indicate there's an issue with QuorUM. Do you have it installed and available through your PATH? If not, I advise you to follow the "Requirements" section of HG-CoLoR's README, all requirements and where to dowload them are provided here.
Please do contact me again if you encounter further issues.
Best, Pierre
I specified the path and it works fine now! Thanks for your help.
Best wishes, Julia
I'm running HgColor (installed from the github repo) to correct Nanopore reads (~30x) using Illumina reads (~150x):
/home/bin/HG_CoLoR/HG_CoLoR --longreads ONT_filtered.fasta --shortreads short.fastq --tmpdir ./tmp --out ONT_HgColor --solid 2 --bestn 30 --nproc 48 -K 101
However, it only runs for one second and stops, and prints the message:
Correcting the short reads
. The output directory doesn't contain any corrected reads.What could be causing this issue?
Thanks, Julia