moritzstoetter / qt6purchasing

Qt6/QML In-App-Purchasing
MIT License
27 stars 6 forks source link

C++ API #5

Open flaviotordini opened 10 months ago

flaviotordini commented 10 months ago

While evaluating this lib I noticed there is no way to add a product to a store object using the C++ API.

I also noticed a few more issues related to C++ only usage:

In general, do you think this lib should also work from C++? Would you accept contributions and give suggestions on how to not break QML usage?

moritzstoetter commented 10 months ago

Hi Flavio,

I published this "library" to give other developers an example on how to implement app store integration, since Qt doesn't (or at least didn't) provide an example on this. So complete support from QML and C++ was out of scope for me when I wrote this. I am happy to accept contributions though. Would be cool to see it grow.

If you see a clean way for the C++ and QML APIs to coexist please feel free to submit a PR. I can't contribute much myself currently I am afraid as I am tied up in a a non-Qt project currently, sorry about that.