morkt / GARbro

Visual Novels resource browser
MIT License
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Game Request: Aokana -Four Rhythms Across the Blue- #390

Open GuyInDogSuit opened 4 years ago

GuyInDogSuit commented 4 years ago

File archives are in "dat" format. Can't seem to open it, says it "could not be opened as a resource archive."

AsukaLangleyfag commented 4 years ago

It's a unity game. I mean the og game used BGI/Ethornell and it's supported, but they changed stuff for some bizzare reason.

Veshurik commented 4 years ago

Usually Unity resources are easy to unpack, but GarBRO doesn't support Unity engine, as I can see

AsukaLangleyfag commented 4 years ago

It's not really unity-way of packing resources as the resources are packed in different format (with extension .dat)

mymzc4njm commented 1 year ago