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requesting a repack engines for .med and .pac files. #484

Open Haiyami opened 3 years ago

Haiyami commented 3 years ago

So as of date I don't see any option to create archive files for .med files by Fudegakisoft and .pac files by LUNE. There is legacy support for unpacking but not repacking for LUNE. And Fudegaki Soft games I only see support to open encrypted files. I'm not even sure when I extract script archive files if it's properly decrypting for either .med or .pac files. By the way I tried mixing and matching programs. used GarBro to unpack srp.pac files from LUNE games. I'd then edit files in notepad++ and then recompile for with PacManager.exe. However when running the game it doesn't load properly. I even did a test by unpacking with GarBro, and then immediately repacking with PacManager.exe. And the second attempt I made no changes to the script files. Game still crashed. PackManager is nice but incomplete as an extractor due to converting mportant code line to hexadecimal. But it lines up the code nice. I prefer garbro better though I think it needs lots of work to unpack files properly as 90% script code ends up being a mess in notepad++. Code looks like one long continuous line. in notepad++. As you can see in the example picture the file extracted as a txt file was used with PacManager.exe but important lines are in hexadecimal. The picture showing the file extracted as a .srp file shows some correct file references in script but it's not organized nicely and there are these weird nul stuff. I just wish I had an easier time trying to recompile script files. By the way word wrap is on so it the .srp files look somewhat clean but not clean enough. file as srp file as txt

ElegantCollibri commented 3 years ago

So as of date I don't see any option to create archive files for .med files by Fudegakisoft and .pac files by LUNE. There is legacy support for unpacking but not repacking for LUNE. And Fudegaki Soft games I only see support to open encrypted files. I'm not even sure when I extract script archive files if it's properly decrypting for either .med or .pac files. By the way I tried mixing and matching programs. used GarBro to unpack srp.pac files from LUNE games. I'd then edit files in notepad++ and then recompile for with PacManager.exe. However when running the game it doesn't load properly. I even did a test by unpacking with GarBro, and then immediately repacking with PacManager.exe. And the second attempt I made no changes to the script files. Game still crashed. PackManager is nice but incomplete as an extractor due to converting mportant code line to hexadecimal. But it lines up the code nice. I prefer garbro better though I think it needs lots of work to unpack files properly as 90% script code ends up being a mess in notepad++. Code looks like one long continuous line. in notepad++. As you can see in the example picture the file extracted as a txt file was used with PacManager.exe but important lines are in hexadecimal. The picture showing the file extracted as a .srp file shows some correct file references in script but it's not organized nicely and there are these weird nul stuff. I just wish I had an easier time trying to recompile script files. By the way word wrap is on so it the .srp files look somewhat clean but not clean enough. file as srp file as txt

hi can i know how to get the script to be readable like ur 2nd picture? and btw i can help u with restructuring that text in notepad++,because it can be done using function in notepad++ instantly

Haiyami commented 3 years ago

So as of date I don't see any option to create archive files for .med files by Fudegakisoft and .pac files by LUNE. There is legacy support for unpacking but not repacking for LUNE. And Fudegaki Soft games I only see support to open encrypted files. I'm not even sure when I extract script archive files if it's properly decrypting for either .med or .pac files. By the way I tried mixing and matching programs. used GarBro to unpack srp.pac files from LUNE games. I'd then edit files in notepad++ and then recompile for with PacManager.exe. However when running the game it doesn't load properly. I even did a test by unpacking with GarBro, and then immediately repacking with PacManager.exe. And the second attempt I made no changes to the script files. Game still crashed. PackManager is nice but incomplete as an extractor due to converting mportant code line to hexadecimal. But it lines up the code nice. I prefer garbro better though I think it needs lots of work to unpack files properly as 90% script code ends up being a mess in notepad++. Code looks like one long continuous line. in notepad++. As you can see in the example picture the file extracted as a txt file was used with PacManager.exe but important lines are in hexadecimal. The picture showing the file extracted as a .srp file shows some correct file references in script but it's not organized nicely and there are these weird nul stuff. I just wish I had an easier time trying to recompile script files. By the way word wrap is on so it the .srp files look somewhat clean but not clean enough. file as srp file as txt

hi can i know how to get the script to be readable like ur 2nd picture? and btw i can help u with restructuring that text in notepad++,because it can be done using function in notepad++ instantly

So the second picture is done by extracting the srp.pac file using pacmanager.exe. This script properly decrypts the file. You can also use the same exe to repackage the script files back into a .pac file that will properly be read by the game. There is only one issue. A lot of parameters and directory indexes are decrypted as hexadecimal and I have no patients for learning hexadecimal in relation to images sizes or file directory references.

The first picture shows a script file opened by extracting the srp.pac file using GarBro. The files remain encrypted though. Garbro also does not have a repacker for .pac script files by LUNE. In that case I must use pacmanager.exe to repackage the script file. So, if I make any edits or just straight repackaging with no edits of a script files that were extracted using GarBro will cause the game to crash or throw back an error.

The first image is an example of a script file extracted using GarBro. In the first reference picture I highlighted a line that starts with "fm_C04a_05_0_0_0_02/-254/0.42/0.42B". I believe this is the parameter for the character sprite sizes. However because of the garbled mess it's really hard to tell. The parameter for position of the sprite on the y axis in the game window however is in a different script file.

Both pictures are using notepad++ to open different versions of an extracted script file from LUNE games. If you can help me with cleaning up a garbled mess from the first example picture it would help. I just need to change sprite sizes. Though I don't know if it's going to solve the repacking issue. Garbro has no repacker for LUNE type srp.pac files. And the extraction doesn't remove encryption. If there is some way to clean up the file or decrypt it in notepad++ please let me know.

As an extra note. PacManager.exe extracts the srp.pac file into a folder called srp. Inside it are _characterfilemacro.var _characterview.var _filemacro.var _system.var var.var vulgarword.var

There will also be a bunch of .txt files that are labeled by scenario number that determines which route you are on. If you look inside the srp.pac file using garbro, all the underscore files don't have a .var after them and the .txt files are .srp files showing that the .pac file is still encrypted.

Also garbro needs a repacker for .med files from Fudegaki-soft.

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

So as of date I don't see any option to create archive files for .med files by Fudegakisoft and .pac files by LUNE. There is legacy support for unpacking but not repacking for LUNE. And Fudegaki Soft games I only see support to open encrypted files. I'm not even sure when I extract script archive files if it's properly decrypting for either .med or .pac files. By the way I tried mixing and matching programs. used GarBro to unpack srp.pac files from LUNE games. I'd then edit files in notepad++ and then recompile for with PacManager.exe. However when running the game it doesn't load properly. I even did a test by unpacking with GarBro, and then immediately repacking with PacManager.exe. And the second attempt I made no changes to the script files. Game still crashed. PackManager is nice but incomplete as an extractor due to converting mportant code line to hexadecimal. But it lines up the code nice. I prefer garbro better though I think it needs lots of work to unpack files properly as 90% script code ends up being a mess in notepad++. Code looks like one long continuous line. in notepad++. As you can see in the example picture the file extracted as a txt file was used with PacManager.exe but important lines are in hexadecimal. The picture showing the file extracted as a .srp file shows some correct file references in script but it's not organized nicely and there are these weird nul stuff. I just wish I had an easier time trying to recompile script files. By the way word wrap is on so it the .srp files look somewhat clean but not clean enough. file as srp file as txt

Hey, do you still need the repack for .med and .pac I got tool for it

Haiyami commented 2 years ago

So as of date I don't see any option to create archive files for .med files by Fudegakisoft and .pac files by LUNE. There is legacy support for unpacking but not repacking for LUNE. And Fudegaki Soft games I only see support to open encrypted files. I'm not even sure when I extract script archive files if it's properly decrypting for either .med or .pac files. By the way I tried mixing and matching programs. used GarBro to unpack srp.pac files from LUNE games. I'd then edit files in notepad++ and then recompile for with PacManager.exe. However when running the game it doesn't load properly. I even did a test by unpacking with GarBro, and then immediately repacking with PacManager.exe. And the second attempt I made no changes to the script files. Game still crashed. PackManager is nice but incomplete as an extractor due to converting mportant code line to hexadecimal. But it lines up the code nice. I prefer garbro better though I think it needs lots of work to unpack files properly as 90% script code ends up being a mess in notepad++. Code looks like one long continuous line. in notepad++. As you can see in the example picture the file extracted as a txt file was used with PacManager.exe but important lines are in hexadecimal. The picture showing the file extracted as a .srp file shows some correct file references in script but it's not organized nicely and there are these weird nul stuff. I just wish I had an easier time trying to recompile script files. By the way word wrap is on so it the .srp files look somewhat clean but not clean enough. file as srp file as txt

Hey, do you still need the repack for .med and .pac I got tool for it

Yes I need a working unpacker and repack tool for editing script files and picture archives for .med. I would also like to try your .pac unpack and repack tool to see if it's any different than PacManager.exe.

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

So as of date I don't see any option to create archive files for .med files by Fudegakisoft and .pac files by LUNE. There is legacy support for unpacking but not repacking for LUNE. And Fudegaki Soft games I only see support to open encrypted files. I'm not even sure when I extract script archive files if it's properly decrypting for either .med or .pac files. By the way I tried mixing and matching programs. used GarBro to unpack srp.pac files from LUNE games. I'd then edit files in notepad++ and then recompile for with PacManager.exe. However when running the game it doesn't load properly. I even did a test by unpacking with GarBro, and then immediately repacking with PacManager.exe. And the second attempt I made no changes to the script files. Game still crashed. PackManager is nice but incomplete as an extractor due to converting mportant code line to hexadecimal. But it lines up the code nice. I prefer garbro better though I think it needs lots of work to unpack files properly as 90% script code ends up being a mess in notepad++. Code looks like one long continuous line. in notepad++. As you can see in the example picture the file extracted as a txt file was used with PacManager.exe but important lines are in hexadecimal. The picture showing the file extracted as a .srp file shows some correct file references in script but it's not organized nicely and there are these weird nul stuff. I just wish I had an easier time trying to recompile script files. By the way word wrap is on so it the .srp files look somewhat clean but not clean enough. file as srp file as txt

Hey, do you still need the repack for .med and .pac I got tool for it

Yes I need a working unpacker and repack tool for editing script files and picture archives for .med. I would also like to try your .pac unpack and repack tool to see if it's any different than PacManager.exe.

Here find DxLib(LuneTB).rar for .med and Lune&Marine.rar for .pac. If you don't know how to use then find me on discord Yggdrasill#0473

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

The tool doesn't support extract/repack .grd files unfortunately. But it can repack those grd files into .pac

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

Sorry this is the correct link

Haiyami commented 2 years ago

Sorry this is the correct link

Will DxLib(LuneTB) work on .med from Fudegaki-soft games like Saiminjutsu 4? Also I'm not sure how to run python script I have zero experience with python. I have it installed I just don't know how to use it. I'm going to attempt the Lune&Marine.rar first to unpack the srp.pac file, edit the script and then repack it. But first I need to know how to use the programs in python. :(

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

Sorry this is the correct link

Will these work on .med from Fudegaki-soft games like Saiminjutsu 4?

You can try run it on cmd like this: python Make sure to add-path when install python. Open the the with notepad++ or sth that can edit it. Then delete # before the function you want to use like #PAC.repack_pac(). Make sure to change file you want to edit in pac_name = 'srp.pac'. If you have any problem with running it ask me on discord Yggdrasill#0473 . And Idk if it works with Saiminjutsu 4. You can try

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

Sorry this is the correct link

Will DxLib(LuneTB) work on .med from Fudegaki-soft games like Saiminjutsu 4? Also I'm not sure how to run python script I have zero experience with python. I have it installed I just don't know how to use it. I'm going to attempt the Lune&Marine.rar first to unpack the srp.pac file, edit the script and then repack it. But first I need to know how to use the programs in python. :(

Hey I found a guy can help you, asking him in galgamcoding's issue. He will create tool for your game, just make sure to credit him

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

Saiminjutsu 4

hm looks like it is hacked image If you're interesting then find me in this server

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago

Saiminjutsu 4

hm looks like it is hacked image If you're interesting then find me in this server

god damn!I'm trying to change a game's text which is Saiminjutsu 3! It looks like could be changed same way?

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

I think so, I haven't tested yet

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

Saiminjutsu 4

hm looks like it is hacked image If you're interesting then find me in this server

god damn!I'm trying to change a game's text which is Saiminjutsu 3! It looks like could be changed same way?

You can send me the so I'll will text it out

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago

Saiminjutsu 4

hm looks like it is hacked image If you're interesting then find me in this server

god damn!I'm trying to change a game's text which is Saiminjutsu 3! It looks like could be changed same way?

You can send me the so I'll will text it out

oh...I don't know how to send you this file

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

Saiminjutsu 4

hm looks like it is hacked image If you're interesting then find me in this server

god damn!I'm trying to change a game's text which is Saiminjutsu 3! It looks like could be changed same way?

You can send me the so I'll will text it out

oh...I don't know how to send you this file

Do you discord if yes then join the server if not then zip the file in .zip then drag 'n drop it here

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago

Saiminjutsu 4

hm looks like it is hacked image If you're interesting then find me in this server

god damn!I'm trying to change a game's text which is Saiminjutsu 3! It looks like could be changed same way?

You can send me the so I'll will text it out

oh...I don't know how to send you this file

Do you discord if yes then join the server if not then zip the file in .zip then drag 'n drop it here

oh..I see. thank you very much , and could you teach me how to unpack and repack ? It took me a whole day today T_T

Cosetto commented 2 years ago back up your file then try this, run the game with LE

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago

oh..I see. thank you very much , and could you teach me how to unpack and repack ? It took me a whole day today TT [md]( back up your file first then try this file, run the game in LE

yes ,it can work and not anything wrong

Cosetto commented 2 years ago here

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago here

I put in this directory and type python in cmd , it runs successfully and created a file ,can you tell me how to edit game's text ?

Cosetto commented 2 years ago here

I put in this directory and type python in cmd , it runs successfully and created a file ,can you tell me how to edit game's text ?

urgh you need to check the, open it with notepad++ or text editor app, delete # before the first 3 functions, create_dict function will create jp_chs.json and edit it with notepad++ (Ex: "I... I made it!": "Translate here.",) then open add # to the old function then delete # before output() and repack() then run again

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago here

I put in this directory and type python in cmd , it runs successfully and created a file ,can you tell me how to edit game's text ?

urgh you need to check the, open it with notepad++ or text editor app, delete # before the first 3 functions, create_dict function will create jp_chs.json and edit it with notepad++ (Ex: "I... I made it!": "Translate here.",) then open add # to the old function then delete # before output() and repack() then run again

should I delete # after repack() ?

Cosetto commented 2 years ago here

I put in this directory and type python in cmd , it runs successfully and created a file ,can you tell me how to edit game's text ?

urgh you need to check the, open it with notepad++ or text editor app, delete # before the first 3 functions, create_dict function will create jp_chs.json and edit it with notepad++ (Ex: "I... I made it!": "Translate here.",) then open add # to the old function then delete # before output() and repack() then run again

should I delete # after repack() ?

well delete # before output means you insert the text back and if you delete both of output and repack it will insert and then repack

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago here

I put in this directory and type python in cmd , it runs successfully and created a file ,can you tell me how to edit game's text ?

urgh you need to check the, open it with notepad++ or text editor app, delete # before the first 3 functions, create_dict function will create jp_chs.json and edit it with notepad++ (Ex: "I... I made it!": "Translate here.",) then open add # to the old function then delete # before output() and repack() then run again

should I delete # after repack() ?

well delete # before output means you insert the text back and if you delete both of output and repack it will insert and then repack

Yeah , I almost succeed yesterday , still had a problem, the game couldn't display text which I had already translated

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

"I... I made it!": "", You see that? Translate like this "I... I made it!": "Translate here.",

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago

of course
HBD0BMWNGIPM$}1A`(XBU and it cann't display ,like this 2 but if you use mouse scroll up, it can display image

Haiyami commented 2 years ago

i'm still having issues getting the tools to work. I can't even get an extraction to work i cmd by running the python scripts. spent 3 weeks filddling around and I'm a bit frustrated. I even removed the # sounds as instructed but the python tool just wouldn't run. Since you guys are able to extract the script file. Are you able to edit the script file where it calls to the sprite CG and make sure that instead of the medium halfbody sprites appear, the full body sprites appear all the time?

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago

well, I'm not good in English . I think you may having issues in Python ? you can google "How to install Python " and " how to configure Python's environment variables" , also you can learn how to change path in cmd , after that if you want to run a file .py , you should make sure cmd path is the same with your .py path .

Cosetto commented 2 years ago

friends I forgot to tell you in folder scr/, line 378 _new_bytes = jp_chs[_str].encode('gb2312', errors='ignore') change the gb2312 to sjis

Haiyami commented 2 years ago

Welp I installed python using the normal installation file provided on the website for windows. I iunzipped the file provided and then put the file into the unzipped directory. I removed the # inside notepad++ for the first 3 functions in the file. Opened CMD and went to the folder directory and that had test.p in it and typed python and this is what I got.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It says it can't find the module. I have python 3.9 installed by the way.

All I'm trying to do is get the game to call the full body sprites Instead of the medium body sprites. I believe the full body sprites are referenced as (中) and the full body sprites are referenced as (小). in the file. So the parameters references for as sprite image with the tag (中) need to be swapped to (小). Though it would be easier to know if I'm right i could just unpack the damn file and check it out in notepad++ and then repack.

I've been having major issues and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong with the unpacking.

M3ngZ commented 2 years ago

Welp I installed python using the normal installation file provided on the website for windows. I iunzipped the file provided and then put the file into the unzipped directory. I removed the # inside notepad++ for the first 3 functions in the file. Opened CMD and went to the folder directory and that had test.p in it and typed python and this is what I got.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It says it can't find the module. I have python 3.9 installed by the way.

All I'm trying to do is get the game to call the full body sprites Instead of the medium body sprites. I believe the full body sprites are referenced as (中) and the full body sprites are referenced as (小). in the file. So the parameters references for as sprite image with the tag (中) need to be swapped to (小). Though it would be easier to know if I'm right i could just unpack the damn file and check it out in notepad++ and then repack.

I've been having major issues and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong with the unpacking.

image Only first # will be delete each line ,like this .Second one is comment .maybe you delete them both?

Zazazasu commented 2 years ago

Saiminjutsu 4

hm looks like it is hacked image If you're interesting then find me in this server

Do you still have a link to the server? I'm trying to unpack exstia cg files but I get a cannot decrypt error.

Haiyami commented 2 years ago

Oh cook saiminjutsu 4 has been repacked. Now if only i could get a hacked file that shows the full body sprites instead of the half body sprites.

wycstc353 commented 1 year ago here

I put in this directory and type python in cmd , it runs successfully and created a file ,can you tell me how to edit game's text ?

urgh you need to check the, open it with notepad++ or text editor app, delete # before the first 3 functions, create_dict function will create jp_chs.json and edit it with notepad++ (Ex: "I... I made it!": "Translate here.",) then open add # to the old function then delete # before output() and repack() then run again

should I delete # after repack() ?

well delete # before output means you insert the text back and if you delete both of output and repack it will insert and then repack

催眠術 大佬,能帮下忙吗,这个游戏的exe用你发的DxLib(LuneTB)改不了,好像找不到字体函数的修改 以及md_scr2.med这个包怎么解包和封包啊

Boss, can you help me? The game's exe can't be changed with your DxLib (LuneTB). It seems that the font function can't be modified

And md_ How to unpack and package the package

wycstc353 commented 1 year ago here

I put in this directory and type python in cmd , it runs successfully and created a file ,can you tell me how to edit game's text ?

urgh you need to check the, open it with notepad++ or text editor app, delete # before the first 3 functions, create_dict function will create jp_chs.json and edit it with notepad++ (Ex: "I... I made it!": "Translate here.",) then open add # to the old function then delete # before output() and repack() then run again

should I delete # after repack() ?

well delete # before output means you insert the text back and if you delete both of output and repack it will insert and then repack

催眠術 大佬,能帮下忙吗,这个游戏的exe用你发的DxLib(LuneTB)改不了,好像找不到字体函数的修改 以及md_scr2.med这个包怎么解包和封包啊

Boss, can you help me? The game's exe can't be changed with your DxLib (LuneTB). It seems that the font function can't be modified

And md_ How to unpack and package the package


blw1234 commented 1 year ago

image How to solve text replacement failure

Zazazasu commented 1 year ago

image How to solve text replacement failure

I get the same problem even if I change gb2312 to sjis

mymzc4njm commented 1 year ago

Oh cook saiminjutsu 4 has been repacked. Now if only i could get a hacked file that shows the full body sprites instead of the half body sprites.

Could you help me? I don't understand how to use DxLib.

mymzc4njm commented 1 year ago

Saiminjutsu 4

hm looks like it is hacked image If you're interesting then find me in this server

You still here? I need help. I don't understand how to use DxLib.

Haiyami commented 1 year ago

neither do I. someone got it to work successfully. I've been wanting to rewrite certain line of code that when the sprites show only half their body it shows the full bodied standing sprite instead of the half body. I've tried multiple ways and even trying to unpack and repack the files using dxlib, and I've been unsuccessful. Most people seem to be doing tests with the game's dialogue and narrative text. But I don't see anyone testing making modifications on which character sprite cg to call.

adybli commented 11 months ago

image How to solve text replacement failure

I get the same problem even if I change gb2312 to sjis

Did you manage to fix this?

blw1234 commented 11 months ago


即使我将 gb2312 更改为 sjis 我也会遇到同样的问题

你设法解决这个问题了吗? W %U$O%ID5D41KG_PWSDK{2

Put the translation in the "" at the end like this and you can import it

adybli commented 10 months ago


即使我将 gb2312 更改为 sjis 我也会遇到同样的问题

你设法解决这个问题了吗? W %U$O%ID5D41KG_PWSDK{2

Put the translation in the "" at the end like this and you can import it

That's what I did, but when I went to output, it gives me these errors. image

rottenBoner commented 2 months ago


即使我将 gb2312 更改为 sjis 我也会遇到同样的问题

你设法解决这个问题了吗? W %U$O%ID5D41KG_PWSDK{2

Put the translation in the "" at the end like this and you can import it

That's what I did, but when I went to output, it gives me these errors. image

did you solve it? I have the same error too :/, I tried to change "utf8" to "utf-8" in and still nothing