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I'm looking for a repack of the Blackrainbow files. #592

Open mymzc4njm opened 1 year ago

mymzc4njm commented 1 year ago


Hello. Thank you for your help as always. I have a question about repack.

I'm trying to create Blackrainbow's naked patch, but I don't have the tools in the repack. If anyone has any information, please let me know.

(Games) 催眠術2(.dat), 裏催眠術2(.dat), 相関遊戯(.pak), 相関遊戯2(.ads), 擬態催眠(.ads), 黒虹本2(.pak), 新婚性活(.gsp)

edit1: I succeeded in repacking 新婚性活! I'm still looking for other tools.