morkt / GARbro

Visual Novels resource browser
MIT License
2.18k stars 232 forks source link

morkt, IF YOU'RE STILL ALIVE, please read this. #605

Open JackOfBadTrades opened 10 months ago

JackOfBadTrades commented 10 months ago

Yo my man, how's been. Noticed the recent fuckhuge commit you did recently. Thanks for the hard work you've been doing all these years. Now that you're alive again, I strongly recommend doing some stuff:

-Setting up the AppVeyor to automate the release of new builds. -Giving CrskyCode write access. He's been updating his version of Garbro since your disappearance.

Please don't disappear on us again.

morkt commented 9 months ago

well i'll stick around for a time being, but i don't have mental energy and motivation to keep up with issues/requests, so i'll just leave them be for now.

Refrain69 commented 9 months ago

At least give @crskycode write access pls.We all appreciate your contributions.

Teashrock commented 5 months ago

@morkt Sorry to bother you, but there were many updates from you since the last release in 2019. Could you please give proper instructions on how to build this from source? Because I tried to build GARbro from JetBrains Rider, but it stuck upon unresolved dependencies. I would be grateful if you provide the instructions with requirements. Thank you in advance.