morlandi / django-ajax-datatable

A Django app which provides the integration of a Django project with the jQuery Javascript library
MIT License
204 stars 64 forks source link

Destroy #128

Open Bastilla123 opened 1 month ago

Bastilla123 commented 1 month ago


i initialize Javascript with:

$(document).ready(function() { AjaxDatatableViewUtils.initialize_table( $('#storage_listview'), "{% url 'storage:Ajax_storage_listview' %}", { // extra_options (example) processing: false, autoWidth: false, full_row_select: true, scrollX: true }, { // extra_data // ... }, ); });

Now i want when another Element with Select Option a Option are changed that this datatable are reload url so table are new initialize. I try it with .destroy() but destroy() want work. Please give me i idea how i can reload new url?