moroshko / react-scanner

Extract React components and props usage from code.
MIT License
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feature request: pass config options by parameter vs. file #45

Closed jpt closed 1 year ago

jpt commented 2 years ago

first of all thanks for publishing this great library. I was about to write something on top of babel-traverse instead and this was a huge time-saver.

it's possible I missed some documentation on this, but to run react-scanner on a number of different component libraries (think a multi-brand or multi-platform design system), or with different config options on the same library to compare the data. in order to do this, I am writing a number of config files on the fly, and running react-scanner a number of times. even if react-scanner doesn't get a full API, being able to pass options via command line argument would be an improvement as well.

let me know if I overlooked anything in my thinking about this. if you like this idea, it's possible I could contribute to a PR.


moroshko commented 2 years ago

@jpt You're right. Currently, the only way to provide a config is to specify a config file path.

How'd you imagine passing the config via the command line? Could you give some examples of the APIs you'd like to have?

Happy to accept PRs 👍

jpt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply!

The way I was thinking about it, it wouldn't be very different than the config object itself, for example: npx react-scanner -sc -cf ".src" -if "basis" or more verbosely npx react-scanner --sub-components --crawl-from ".src" --import-from "basis"

Or to run it a few times programmatically, maybe the interface would look something like this, where you populate a config object directly in a script?

import { scanner } from 'react-scanner';
const main = async () => {
  scanner.config = {
    crawlFrom: "./src",
    includeSubComponents: true,
    importedFrom: "basis",

  let scannerOutput = await;
 // do something with that output, then run again:

  scanner.config["crawlFrom"] = "other-src";
  scannerOutput = await;

It's not a very big change, but for me would improve the developer experience a bit working with multiple codebases

moroshko commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I like the idea of being able to run the scanner programmatically. How about passing the config to the scanner directly?

import { scanner } from 'react-scanner';

const output = await

PR is welcome!

jpt commented 2 years ago

How about passing the config to the scanner directly?

Great idea, this is a more elegant solution.

PR is welcome!

I'll start familiarizing myself with the codebase. It might be a little while before I have time, but I'm very interested in implementing the feature - I will keep you updated 🙂