morpheusthewhite / nordpy

A gui application to connect automatically to the recommended NordVPN server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No auto-connection at startup #24

Closed mouarfff closed 4 years ago

mouarfff commented 5 years ago

hello thx for this app !

(nordvpn don't care of linux users)

So, i can't manage any autoconnection at startup : first i need to type root password (root ? no sudo/sudoer ?), i need to choose my location and number of server, and clic ok, and after clic to connect

is't possible to memeory this, and/or select some server we want to connect automaticaly ?


morpheusthewhite commented 5 years ago

Yeah of course, It actually does save the last type of server you choose, the country and the protocol, but you need to type the sudo password each time (yeah, sudoers).

mouarfff commented 5 years ago

ok but if i alway need to ask for root passwd and can't use sudoer it's an issue

morpheusthewhite commented 5 years ago

You can use sudoers

mouarfff commented 4 years ago

I know, but it doesn't work with py script ..

and normally, this apply should have this possibility ?

morpheusthewhite commented 4 years ago

What do you mean? Do you want to control nordpy from outer scripts in order to connect automatically to the last used server?

mouarfff commented 4 years ago

I just want launch nordpy at startup easy, without ask for root passwd/sudo, and conect automatically in network i choosen (as i can do in the windows app)

So i added nordpy in sudoers but it doesn't work. I do this for another programms and it's ok but nordpy not

morpheusthewhite commented 4 years ago

So you want that at the start of the system nordpy automatically connects to the last server, without opening the application or providing the sudo password to it. Am I right?

mouarfff commented 4 years ago

in windows, the app can autostart at session login startup AND connect automatically the last best used network WITHOUT any password and clic or anything else.

morpheusthewhite commented 4 years ago

Good, I'll work on a solution for it

morpheusthewhite commented 4 years ago

Now it is possible to setup autostart, just follow the instructions you can find here (remember to update nordpy)

mouarfff commented 4 years ago

thx ! but i will not have the gui open when desktop start ?

mouarfff commented 4 years ago

it doesn't work. (linux mint mate 19)

and with this method, if i want to have the gui openned at startup of my desktop session, i have alway invited to type root password ... (mmm sudo passwd instead)

morpheusthewhite commented 4 years ago

It starts in the background, no gui is opened.

And yes, whenever you open it you will need to type the password