morphismtech / squeal

Squeal, a deep embedding of SQL in Haskell
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Get violated constraint in code #167

Closed ilyakooo0 closed 4 years ago

ilyakooo0 commented 4 years ago

Is there a way to extract the constraint that was violated in haskell code? Something like ConstraintViolation from postgresql-simple.

echatav commented 4 years ago

There's not much high level functionality for inspecting squeal exceptions like that. At a low level you can look at the the sqlStateCode in the PQState of any PQException.

ilyakooo0 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, looking into the postgresql-simple implementation turns out that they just parse the Postgres return string and it is pretty trivial to implement but would most likely require importing a parsing library (although it could be done without one).

ilyakooo0 commented 4 years ago

The hardest thing is correctly parsing escaped characters (\).

echatav commented 4 years ago

base has a decent parsing library

ilyakooo0 commented 4 years ago

The parser in base seems to be specialized to Strings. It shouldn't be too horrible, but I am not sure converting between representations is desirable.

adfretlink commented 4 years ago

I do have a custom parser in on of my work projects for some violations, but it's hard to have one robust enough to qualify to be part of a library. Issues include:

Here is my code (using Parsec, sorry !):

extractConstraintViolationCauses :: ByteString -> Maybe (Text, Text)
extractConstraintViolationCauses =
  let bracketed = between (char '(') (char ')') (many (noneOf ")"))
      constraintsAndValues = (,) <$> (bracketed <* string "=") <*> bracketed
      skipTill p = manyTill anyChar (Parsec.try $ lookAhead p)
      extractFromError = skipTill constraintsAndValues *> constraintsAndValues
  in either (const Nothing) (pure . join bimap pack) . parse extractFromError "SQL error message"
ilyakooo0 commented 4 years ago

I think the functionality provided in postgresql-simple is useful and robust enough to be in a library. They don't provide an interface for every imaginable error. They give you the ability to extract specific errors:

I think is is immensely useful for providing proper errors to users of an API when checking a constraint violation in haskell would be close to impossible. (Range overlaps for example)

ilyakooo0 commented 4 years ago

And extracting the name of a violated constraint seems to be as easy as extracting the string between unescaped double quotes.

ilyakooo0 commented 4 years ago

Haven't tested this whatsoever.

untilQuote :: ReadP String
untilQuote = do
  soFar <- munch (\c -> c /= '"' || c /= '\\')
  look >>= \case
    "\\" -> (soFar <>) <$> untilQuote
    _ -> return soFar

parseQuoted :: ReadP String
parseQuoted = do
  void untilQuote
  void $ char '"'

parseQuotedDouble :: ReadP (String, String)
parseQuotedDouble = do
  a <- parseQuoted
  void $ char '"'
  b <- parseQuoted
  return (a, b)

data ConstraintViolation
  = -- | The field is a column name
    NotNullViolation String
  | -- | Table name and name of violated constraint
    ForeignKeyViolation String String
  | -- | Name of violated constraint
    UniqueViolation String
  | -- | Relation name (usually table), constraint name
    CheckViolation String String
  | -- | Name of the exclusion violation constraint
    ExclusionViolation String
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Exception)

extractConstraintViolation :: SquealException -> Maybe ConstraintViolation
extractConstraintViolation (PQException pqState) = do
  code <- sqlStateCode pqState
  msg <- unpack <$> sqlErrorMessage pqState
  case code of
    "23502" -> NotNullViolation <$> parseMaybe parseQuoted msg
    "23503" -> uncurry ForeignKeyViolation <$> parseMaybe parseQuotedDouble msg
    "23505" -> UniqueViolation <$> parseMaybe parseQuoted msg
    "23514" -> uncurry CheckViolation <$> parseMaybe parseQuotedDouble msg
    "23P01" -> ExclusionViolation <$> parseMaybe parseQuoted msg
    _ -> Nothing
extractConstraintViolation _ = Nothing

parseMaybe :: ReadP a -> String -> Maybe a
parseMaybe r = fmap fst . listToMaybe . readP_to_S r
echatav commented 4 years ago

In case you haven't already seen, here are all error codes in Postgres. Should we just make a giant sum-of-sums type to turn the error code into? We don't have to do things exactly how Postgres-simple does. Seems like the simplest thing is

data PGStateCode
  = PGSuccessfulCompletion
  | PGWarning PGWarning
  | PGNoData PGNoData
  | PGNotYetComplete PGNotYetComplete
  | PGConnectionException PGConnectionException
  | ..
  | PGIntegrityContraintViolation PGIntegrityContraintViolation
  | ..

data PGIntegrityConstraintViolation
  = IntegrityConstraintViolation
  | RestrictViolation
  | NotNullViolation
  | ForeignKeyViolation
  | UniqueViolation
  | CheckViolation
  | ExclusionViolation

Then parse the state code ByteString into a PGStateCode. Then we could provide restricted handlers for particular classes, similar to try/catch/handleSqueal but handling say PGIntegrityConstraintViolations and otherwise rethrowing. Or is the idea that you want to be able to look at which column caused the unique violation?

echatav commented 4 years ago

Another thing I'd like to do is get rid of the Maybes in squeal exceptions. They seem to come up when there's a connection problem and give some terribly unhelpful error messages.

echatav commented 4 years ago

Added patterns like CheckViolation msg to match on check constraint violations and UniqueViolation msg to match on unique constraint violations. Should be a model for any other particular error a user might want to write a pattern for themselves. Done in #209