morphismtech / squeal

Squeal, a deep embedding of SQL in Haskell
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LINQ style queries in Squeal? #280

Open echatav opened 3 years ago

echatav commented 3 years ago

The question recently was asked at work:

Have you considered putting the select at the end instead of the beginning? C#’s LINQ ended up making that change in its approach to a SQL-like DSL. Not sure it would help but I was curious if you considered that approach or not.

I hadn't considered it at all but in fact, with more thorough use of the reverse function application operator (&), Squeal already supports this LINQ style:

-- LINQ style
from (table #scores)
  & where_ (#score .> 80)
  & groupBy #winner
  & select_
    ( #winner :*
      max_ #score `as` #best_score

-- SQL style
  ( #winner :*
    max_ #score `as` #best_score
  ( from (table #scores)
    & where_ (#score .> 80)
    & groupBy #winner
gasi commented 9 months ago

Brilliant 👏🏻