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Remove Styling from Transclusions #47

Closed MasssiveJuice08 closed 1 month ago

MasssiveJuice08 commented 3 months ago


Transclusions are embedding content from one note into another note.

UESP uses transclusions for cases where the same information needs to be shown on multiple pages:

The copying process, however, is done dynamically: if the template is modified, all pages using the template are also modified. Therefore, if a decision is made to change the layout of a given template, only the template needs to be edited, instead of needing to make a change to every page that uses the template.

  • UESP:Templates

Note that the use of the term 'templates' by UESP differs from Obsidian's – templates are a Mediawiki thing. The principle however is similar to transclusions in Obsidian.


The default Obsidian transclusions makes it very obvious that it is a transclusion; it is similar to a blockquote. Although there are instances where this might be suitable, I would argue that in most cases this simply gets in the way.

For example, take the infobox in Manual of Style. This kind of directory infobox linking to different articles in the same series should be a transclusion; that way if an article is added or removed from the list, only one instance of the list needs to be update (the 'master'). However, the infobox floats right. If transcluded, it has blockquote styling applied and instead takes up the full page width.

CSS should be created to remove blockquote styling from transclusions so they appear naturally a part of the page they are embedded in.

Screenshot 2024-06-14 230513

Quartz Transclusions:

Quartz renders the float aspect of a transcluded block just fine, though it does add a 'link to original' blockquote before it. This should be removed or re-styled, as ideally transclusions should be indistinguishable from regular page content.

Screenshot 2024-06-14 230448

Examples of Custom Transclusion Styling