morrownr / 88x2bu

Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8812BU and RTL8822BU Chipsets
435 stars 73 forks source link

Word of Warning: Current 'raspberry-kernel-headers' (5.4.79) not 64-bit friendly #24

Closed PieGuy314 closed 3 years ago

PieGuy314 commented 3 years ago

Have just upgraded my RPI3B. New kernel. New kernel source (both version 20201201-1). Compilation of the 88x2bu driver failed due to the headers 5.4.79 not having been 'fixed' for 64-bit compilation. Consequently, no 88x2bu 64-bit driver!

This has happened before and will probably happen again. I'd caution anyone who's running 64-bit PiOS or DietPi NOT to upgrade the kernel until the headers have been fixed. A fresh 64-bit DietPi install will also fail because it runs an 'upgrade' and 'dist-upgrade' as part of the install/configuration process.

I'm reverting to 32-bit as a consequence of my dependency on the 88x2bu driver.

morrownr commented 3 years ago

PieGuy, do you want to close #16?

Reports from users of other drivers on this site make it clear that the 64 bit version of RasPiOS is broken right now. On a separate subject, I moved to 32 bit 2020-12-02 for testing and there may be some issues with it as well. The drivers are compiling okay and seem to work okay but my 4B is experiencing a screen freeze after variable amounts of time. I'm going to erase reinstall and run from eth0 for a day or two to see if I can rule some things out. Things are not good in RasPiOS land right now.

PieGuy314 commented 3 years ago

PieGuy, do you want to close #16?

Sure, you've captured everything in the documentation you've compiled. I used it today!

Reports from users of other drivers on this site make it clear that the 64 bit version of RasPiOS is broken right now. On a separate subject, I moved to 32 bit 2020-12-02 for testing and there may be some issues with it as well. The drivers are compiling okay and seem to work okay but my 4B is experiencing a screen freeze after variable amounts of time. I'm going to erase reinstall and run from eth0 for a day or two to see if I can rule some things out. Things are not good in RasPiOS land right now.

Have done a fresh install of 32-bit DietPi-OS. I'm running headless so can't comment regarding screen freezes. Did however, stream 320kps audio via shairport-sync to my hifi for over 6 hours without any glitching.

I'm confident the driver code is okay but will run some diagnostics to check throughput, etc. These things happen from time-to-time. 64-bit is in beta for a reason. At the end of the day, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" is probably my takeaway lesson for today.

morrownr commented 3 years ago

One thing that has been catching my eye for a while is some log entries. I pushed a little script called to the repo today. You might find it handy to check the log entries as it cuts out everything but the RTW entries and cleans some things up so I can more easily use Meld to compare logs between different drivers or difference driver versions. Of the 5 drivers I maintain, this driver has the "dirtiest" log. It seems to work well but it is just not on par with the quality of the 8812au driver. Granted, the 8812au driver is a slightly more recent driver. Let me know if you see any log entries that are of concern.


PieGuy314 commented 3 years ago

Logs are clean here. And have been since I've been using this repo. Are you using the default logging level?

PieGuy314 commented 3 years ago

Hi Nick,

Believe you can close this now. Rebuilt the driver using the latest kernel-headers (1.20201201-1) just now - working again.

morrownr commented 3 years ago

Hi PieGuy, that is good to hear.