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COMFAST CF-953AX mt7921au not working on ODROID N2+ #293

Closed Rubiniuz closed 11 months ago

Rubiniuz commented 12 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **Rubiniuz** July 12, 2023 Hey everyone, I have always used raspberry pi's in the past and have never had the need to dive into kernel stuff so I am still kind off new to all the terms and common issues. I bought the COMFAST CF-953AX from the link of plug and play adapters. I tested it in windows 11 and everything worked fine. As stated above I have a ODROID N2+. my only reason to buy this was that raspberry pi's where not available and these ODROID have more performance per buck in most scenario's. It just seems I don't have access to all kernels ubuntu normally uses. Like some others have said I have the other device id because lsusb gives me: "Bus 001 Device 006: ID 3574:6211 MediaTek Inc. Wireless_Device". Also the device is not enabling its led. ip a and lfconfig -a both give me the same results. a working eth0 and a not working lo. ` ip a : lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever ` ` ifconfig -a lo: flags=73 mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10 loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback) RX packets 5560 bytes 2060775 (2.0 MB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 5560 bytes 2060775 (2.0 MB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 ` I do see that there is some sort of traffic or testing happening. I flashed a micro sd-card with Ubuntu 22.04 with a 5.15 Linux Hardkernel from ODROID. The modprobe failed and I read in these discussions that I needed the 5.18 or 5.19 kernel. These kernels weren't available so I updated to the 6.2.0-odroid-arm64 kernel. now doing the modprobe again I get the same message ` modprobe mt7921u echo 0846 9060 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/mt7921u/new_id Password: su: Authentication failure modprobe: FATAL: Module mt7921u not found in directory /lib/modules/6.2.0-odroid-arm64 -bash: /sys/bus/usb/drivers/mt7921u/new_id: No such file or directory ` I want to update the firmware of the device to see if that maybe fixes it but I am quite certain that's not the case right? Anyone that has any tips or knows a fix? edit: I followed the firmware update guide. that being copying files? I don't know the magic behind that one but nothing seems changed
bjlockie commented 12 months ago

Do these commands:

sudo -s
echo 0846 9060 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/mt7921u/new_id
modprobe mt7921u
Rubiniuz commented 12 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I get this message -bash: /sys/bus/usb/drivers/mt7921u/new_id: No such file or directory. The /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ folder contains: "cdc_ether cdc_subset hub usb usb-storage usbfs usbhid".

Discussions seems to work better with replying so I would say lets keep it there and Ill post those results here.

Rubiniuz commented 11 months ago

Issue has been resolved in the discussions channel