morrownr / USB-WiFi

USB WiFi Adapter Information for Linux
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Possible New Plug and Play Adapter: EDUP EP-AX1672 (mt7921au chipset) #409

Open morrownr opened 3 months ago

morrownr commented 3 months ago

Hello all,

The following adapter recently showed up on Amazon US:

I have been aware of this model of EDUP for a few months but before I consider adding an adapter to the Plug and Play List, I like to have enough information to be confident that the adapter will work well for Linux users. I also like for users to have some solid, reliable options for ordering.

There is a review on the above Amazon link from a Linux user who confirms that this adapter is plug and play on his system.

It also appears that the adapter is single-state, which is what we want. The Windows driver can be downloaded from the following EDUP site: (not that you will need it but that is more evidence that the adapter is single-state)

I do not have this adapter, at least not yet, but my previous experience with EDUP adapters is that they are reasonably good quality and the range is generally better than most low cost adapters. That is, they seem to use a little better quality antennas and amps than most other low cost adapter makers.

If anyone has or gets this adapter, a review would be appreciated as a review would help with the decision as to whether to include this adapter in the Plug and Play List.


morrownr commented 2 months ago

Update: The adapter listed above went out of stock soon after I posted the above message. It is back in stock now and I have ordered one. I hope to have a report at some point in the next few days.

If anyone else already has this adapter and wants to share information, that would be appreciated. Thanks.