morse-simulator / morse

The Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine
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Changing VideoCamera field of view #702

Closed thushv89 closed 8 years ago

thushv89 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to change the field of view of the video camera. I want an wide-angle image of my robot's view.

I tried tweaking cam_width and cam_height but had no luck!

My script for camera looks like this

camera = VideoCamera()
camera.translate(x = 0.5, z= 0.6)
camera.rotate(y = -0.13),cam_height=256,cam_far=500)

MORSE version: 1.3 Blender version: 2.69.0 Python version: 3.4.3

Thank you

thushv89 commented 8 years ago

So after playing with this issue for a while, I found a hack. So, if you move the camera to the back of your robot and set cam_near high enough so your view is not obstructed by the robot, for example,

camera.translate(x = -1.5)

then you can simulate the wide-angle effect.

But I'm not sure, if there's a more clever legitimate way of doing this. So I'm leaving the issue open.

adegroote commented 8 years ago

The KX_Camera seems to have a .fov member, so I think you can change the field of view using this field. Unfortunately, for the moment, there is no interface for that in Morse.

PierrickKoch commented 8 years ago

try changing the focal length with: = 1)
flixr commented 8 years ago

To convert the cam_focal parameter to opening angle: arctan(cam_focal / 16)

thushv89 commented 8 years ago

Yup, reducing cam_focal did the trick. Thanks everyone. Really appreciate it. :) Closing the issue