morse-simulator / morse

The Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine
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Messages Missed on socket datastream #785

Open smishraasu opened 6 years ago

smishraasu commented 6 years ago

Hi ,

I am trying to accomplish Hardware in loop simulation for quadcopters. I am using QuadrotorDynamicControl actuator and the actuator control values are obtained from the flight controller. But when I publish the actuator values to the QuadrotorDynamicControl actuator, I see a lot of "Messages Missed on socket datastream" in the terminal where I start morse. The quad in the simulator doesn't take off because of this reason I guess. I am concerned if any messages are actually successfully published. I have attached a screenshot of the issues. Please let me know what could be done to mitigate the issue.


screen shot 2018-02-19 at 7 07 00 pm
adegroote commented 6 years ago

"Messages missed" means that you publish faster than what can Morse consume. It can be a problem for control accuracy, but normally shoudn't prevent the quad to take off.

You may increase the frequency of the simulation (if your machine permit it) to get rid of these messages.