morse-simulator / morse

The Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine
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something wrong with builder introspection ? #786

Closed PierrickKoch closed 6 years ago

PierrickKoch commented 6 years ago

Creating any function or class in a morse builder script fails to run with:

Blender Game Engine Started
Python module can't be imported - object 'atrv', controller 'Python':
[ERROR][MORSE] Uncaught exception, quit Blender.
ImportError: No module named 'calling'
ImportError: No module named 'calling'

Take any simulation builder script and add:

def toto():

you will get this issue.

My setup is: Fedora 26, Blender 2.79 tar.gz from d.b.o export MORSE_SILENT_PYTHON_CHECK=1 export MORSE_POP_PYTHONLIB=/usr/lib64/python3.6

severin-lemaignan commented 6 years ago

A bit of backtrace would be useful, if possible...

PierrickKoch commented 6 years ago

soles this issue.


from morse.builder import *

def toto():

robot = ATRV()

env = Environment("empty")
# env.create() # wihtout this line morse run crashes with:
# ImportError: No module named 'calling'