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Change parameter names from `async` to `async_` #806

Closed dreuter closed 5 years ago

dreuter commented 5 years ago

async became a keyword in python 3.7 PEP8 suggests: "single_trailingunderscore: used by convention to avoid conflicts with Python keyword" Thus the change to async_.

See also: #805

severin-lemaignan commented 5 years ago

Thanks for looking at it! async_ is a bit weird for a user-facing parameter, though. What about asynchronous? slightly more verbose (which is fine as it is not a parameter we type that often anyway), but clearer

dreuter commented 5 years ago

Yes I can do that.

My intent was to make it very clear, that this is still the same parameter. To change as little as possible. But maybe it is better to use a descriptive name.

dreuter commented 5 years ago

@severin-lemaignan I have updated this pull request to change async to asynchronous as suggested.

severin-lemaignan commented 5 years ago

Great, thank you. Merging it.