morse-simulator / morse

The Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine
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Error using hla in hybrid simulation #820

Open mhzar opened 4 years ago

mhzar commented 4 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to fill an issue with MORSE!

Hi. thanks in advance for respoding to my issue. I'm trying morse tutorials of openrobot using hla and i was trying to use the hybrid simulation. morse run ${MORSE_ROOT}/share/morse/examples/tutorials/multinode/ This is the error i get :

MULTINODE INITIALIZATION] [ 0.183] This is node 'debian' [ 0.240] [multinode.hla] Initializing HLA node. [ 0.240] [middleware.hla_datastream] Initializing HLA node. [ 0.289] [middleware.hla_datastream] MORSE federation created [ 0.291] [middleware.hla_datastream] HLA middleware initialized. Python script error - object 'Scene_Script_Holder', controller 'Initialize': [ERROR][MORSE] Uncaught exception, quit Blender. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/morse/blender/", line 593, in init init_multinode() File "/usr/local/morse/blender/", line 529, in init_multinode node_name, server_address, server_port) File "/usr/local/morse/helpers/", line 45, in create_instance return klass(*args, *kwargs) File "/usr/local/morse/core/", line 18, in init self.initialize() File "/usr/local/morse/multinode/", line 99, in initialize self.node.morse_ambassador.initialize() File "/usr/local/morse/multinode/", line 54, in initialize self.suscribe_attributes(, in_robot, [self.in_position, self.in_orientation]) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'obj' referenced before assignment Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/morse/blender/", line 593, in init init_multinode() File "/usr/local/morse/blender/", line 529, in init_multinode node_name, server_address, server_port) File "/usr/local/morse/helpers/", line 45, in create_instance return klass(args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/morse/core/", line 18, in init self.initialize() File "/usr/local/morse/multinode/", line 99, in initialize self.node.morse_ambassador.initialize() File "/usr/local/morse/multinode/", line 54, in initialize self.suscribe_attributes(, in_robot, [self.in_position, self.in_orientation]) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'obj' referenced before assignment

The file that causes the erros :

[import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + name) import os

from morse.core import blenderapi, mathutils from morse.core.exceptions import MorseMultinodeError from morse.core.multinode import SimulationNodeClass from morse.middleware.hla_datastream import MorseBaseAmbassador, HLABaseNode

try: import hla.rti as rti import hla.omt as fom except (ImportError, SyntaxError): logger.error("No HLA binding found or imported!") raise MorseMultinodeError("'hla' python not found, or has syntax errors")

""" Defines the 'MorseVector' type that will be transfered on the HLA federation. """ MorseVector = fom.HLAfixedArray("MorseVector", fom.HLAfloat32LE, 3)

class MorseAmbassador(MorseBaseAmbassador): """ The Federate Ambassador of the MORSE node.](url)

def __init__(self, rtia, federation, time_regulation, timestep, lookahead):
    MorseBaseAmbassador.__init__(self, rtia, federation, time_regulation,
                                       timestep, lookahead)
    logger.debug("MorseAmbassador created.")

def initialize(self):
        out_robot = self.object_handle("Robot")
        self.out_position = self.attribute_handle("position", out_robot)
        self.out_orientation = self.attribute_handle("orientation", out_robot)
    except rti.NameNotFound:
        logger.error("'Robot' (or attributes) not declared in FOM." + \
            "Your '.fed' file may not be up-to-date.")
        return False

        [self.out_position, self.out_orientation])

    robot_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict
    for obj in robot_dict.keys():
            "Pose of robot %s will be published on the %s federation.", 
  , self.federation)

    in_robot = self.object_handle("Robot")
    self.in_position = self.attribute_handle("position", in_robot)
    self.in_orientation = self.attribute_handle("orientation", in_robot)
    self.suscribe_attributes(, in_robot, [self.in_position, self.in_orientation])

def discoverObjectInstance(self, object, objectclass, name):
        "Robot %s will have its pose reflected in the current node...", 

def reflectAttributeValues(self, object, attributes, tag, order, transport, 
                           time=None, retraction=None):
    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    obj_name = self._rtia.getObjectInstanceName(object)
    logger.debug("RAV %s", obj_name)
        obj = scene.objects[obj_name]
        if self.in_position in attributes:
            pos, offset = MorseVector.unpack(attributes[self.in_position])
            # Update the positions of the robots
            obj.worldPosition = pos
        if self.in_orientation in attributes:
            ori, offset = MorseVector.unpack(attributes[self.in_orientation])
            # Update the orientations of the robots
            obj.worldOrientation = mathutils.Euler(ori).to_matrix()
    except KeyError as detail:
        logger.debug("Robot %s not found in this simulation scenario," + \
            "but present in another node. Ignoring it!", obj_name)

time_sync = False
fom = "morse.fed"
federation = "MORSE"

def initialize(self):"Initializing HLA node.")
    if os.getenv("CERTI_HTTP_PROXY") is None:
        os.environ["CERTI_HTTP_PROXY"] = ""
    os.environ["CERTI_HOST"] = str(
    os.environ["CERTI_TCP_PORT"] = str(self.port)

    self.node = HLABaseNode(MorseAmbassador, self.fom, self.node_name,
            self.federation, None, None, self.time_sync, 1.0, 1.0)


def finalize(self):
    Close all open HLA connections.
    del self.node

def synchronize(self):
    if not self.node:

    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    for obj in self.node.morse_ambassador.registred_objects.values():
        obj_name = self.node.rtia.getObjectInstanceName(obj)
        obj_pos = scene.objects[obj_name].worldPosition.to_tuple()
        obj_ori = scene.objects[obj_name].worldOrientation.to_euler()
        hla_att = {
                MorseVector.pack([obj_pos[0], obj_pos[1], obj_pos[2]]),
                MorseVector.pack([obj_ori.x, obj_ori.y, obj_ori.z])}
        self.node.morse_ambassador.update_attribute(obj, hla_att)

I understand the error but i find weird that there is an error in the morse source code. Has anyone already had this issue ? Or how can i fix it ? (i guess im not supposed to edit morse files)