Closed Dancorp closed 7 years ago
This is probably by the hdmi_timing selected, you can play with the timings if enter by the web service in setting section or editing recalbox.conf and you find all the resolutions for every emulator.
Here in the repository you can find some resolutions to try, in the next releae all the resolutions are most polished to evite this issues, don't worry not is a big problem to solve.
Hi Dancorp (I'm french too) Your TV is very old school :) Before attempting to change the settings of your TV, we can adjust the timings. As morcata said, better timings coming. You can contact me to adjust them.
Are you using 50Hz consoles? Try this: 1920 1 140 200 260 256 1 18 10 29 0 0 0 50 0 39400000 1
Thanks for your response I have try your timing but this one is worse ! According to mortaca suggestion, i will try some others but in any case, i have to wait for the next update. When did you have planned to release it ?
I think new release is coming. Probably few days. You want timing for what ? For 224p/240p at 50Hz ? As mortaca said, have a look to timings list
A standard timings for 50Hz TV : 1920 1 48 192 240 294 1 3 10 6 0 0 0 50 0 37560000 1 (Refresh Rate : 50Hz - Honrizontal : 15.650kHz)
Thanks Sir-Ironic but using your settings (the first and the second one) that's what i got : 🤒
It's that. It's a resolution for emulatrors. You probably want a low resolution for EmulationStation ?
I'm looking for a working and user friendly resolution for both. It doen't matter if it is not the native resolution for each emulator as long as it keep playable.
ES : hdmi_timings 450 1 50 30 85 288 1 10 1 25 0 0 0 60 0 9600000 1
50Hz : hdmi_timings 1920 1 48 192 240 288 1 6 3 16 0 0 0 50 0 37560000 1
Ok my friend, i just understand there are two timings to set. One for ES by editing the config file at startup but where put timings for emulators ?
At recalbox.conf, you can edit this file by the web system.
Now upgraded to Raspberry 3, i have try to update Recalbox to 4.0.2 and now there is not more black frame on the top (on emulators) but the image is still cropped. Neogeo games are less cropped but they still a little bit laggy. Changing recalbox conf file is confusing, i can't see any effect on my issue. Something must be wrong, but despite my will on tuning Retroarch, i have not enough knowledge to solve it by myself. I will wait for the new Rgb-Pi update, that's official ! (I dream of the possibility to calibrate screen like in kodi.)
There are two way to calibrate monitor. 1) Use monitor/TV setting (menus/potentiometers). 1) Use hdmi_timings (it's more difficult). Perfect automatique screen calibration isn't possible due to not equal screen settings form all TV/CRT.
You can not update recalbox by the official system, that erases the necessary changes for rgb-pi
Perfect automatique screen calibration isn't possible due to not equal screen settings form all TV/CRT. i agree with you, but kodi allows to tune your screen size. I understand it could be close to impossible to do that in Recalbox. I love my vintage TV but it has some lacks for tuning the screen size. lacks of variable resistors and of course no osd service mode
You can calibrate screen with retroarch menu (Viewport). But the goal is to reach perfect pixels. So, resize picture isn't the solution. Please, explain me (accurate) again all you problems to see what i can do for you.
aTg has given me the chance to try the alpha version of the next beta release of RGB-Pi Thanks to new timings, (i guess), image is not cropped anymore in emulators. I still have horizontal black frames due to the 60hz refresh rates not natively supported by my TV. That's not a big issues in my opinion. The only main problem, just reported to aTg, is the kodi timings. Unlike prevous version, i got now the black frame and of course, i'm unable to remove it using the kodi screen calibration tool. I have quickly recorded a short video to show you my results.
I think Kodi is launched in 60Hz. It's better to launch it in 288p 50Hz to have a full screen.
I have found the way to have a full screen kodi (overscanned but calibrated) by adding a dedicated timings to it. (the same as ES) kodi.videomode=hdmi_timings 480 1 14 45 56 300 1 10 5 5 0 0 0 60 0 9600000 1
using the global.videomode, i can easily test timing and this 50Hz one is the best for the moment (tested on snes). hdmi_timings 1920 1 100 203 303 256 1 14 14 28 0 0 0 50 0 39400000 1
Perfect. Just modify the pixel clock 39400000 to 39410000 At 39400000 your refresh rate is 49.992Hz.
Thanks i will try this pixel clock. Did you have any ressources to understand each parameters on timings, and how to calculate them ? I would like to find by myself a way to increase the vertical size to have a true fullscreen image on my screen.
I use C.R.U to calculate timings. Use the detailled resolution Windows Respect :
That's exactly what i was looking for ! Thanks a lot :)
Now at the last pre-release you can edit the files to center the screeen from the TV. Writeme to the mail to give the las release. I'm going to close this issue.
Hi, Some resolutions looks not being well supported be my TV. That's a vintage french one designed for a 50hz signal.
Photos :
On Recalbox Menu, the image is fullsized but cropped, and when i launch a game, I got a black frame on the top and the image is cropped / not centered In retroarch setting, changing aspect ratio to 1:1 is better but i still got a black frame. (Refresh Fréq issue ?)
I looking for the service manual of the chassis of my TV to retune the geometry settings but can you share a way to test some resolution @ 50Hz ?
Dan ps : sorry for my english, i'm french.