mortada / fredapi

Python API for FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) and ALFRED (Archival FRED)
Apache License 2.0
941 stars 161 forks source link

Docker devshell #73

Open ErezBinyamin opened 6 months ago

ErezBinyamin commented 6 months ago

Include Docker image devshell in project

I created a docker fredapi image for my own use, but if you'd like to incorporate the Dockerfile into this project please feel free to. Or to test out the image just try out the devshell: docker run -it erezbinyamin/fredapi python

FROM python:3.6

RUN apt-get update
RUN git clone \
    && cd fredapi \
    && pip install .
ErezBinyamin commented 6 months ago

I'd recommend adding a docker container to this project because of issues like #24 and #60 . Being able to redirect folks to a controlled environment with a guaranteed "clean" python installation/version and proper installation of fredapi could put a lot of issues to rest. With many of the issues on here it seems to be more of a python versioning and package management issue on their end than an actual issue with fredapi