mortazavilab / PyWGCNA

PyWGCNA is a Python package designed to do Weighted Gene Correlation Network analysis (WGCNA)
MIT License
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No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module black #64

Closed DDXRBHCN closed 8 months ago

DDXRBHCN commented 9 months ago

Firstly, thank the author very much. Here is the code.

import PyWGCNA

geneExp = "C:\Users\18308\Desktop\WGCNA\data\data.csv"

pyWGCNA_5xFAD = PyWGCNA.WGCNA(name='data', species='mus musculus', geneExpPath=geneExp, outputPath="C:\Users\18308\Desktop\WGCNA\data\1", save=True, TPMcutoff=0.9) pyWGCNA_5xFAD.geneExpr.to_df().head(5) pyWGCNA_5xFAD.preprocess() pyWGCNA_5xFAD.findModules() pyWGCNA_5xFAD.updateSampleInfo(path="C:\Users\18308\Desktop\WGCNA\data\label1.csv")

add color for metadata

pyWGCNA_5xFAD.setMetadataColor('label', {'0': 'green', '1': 'yellow'})

geneList = PyWGCNA.getGeneList(dataset='mmusculus_gene_ensembl', attributes=['ensembl_gene_id', 'external_gene_name', 'gene_biotype'], maps=['gene_id', 'gene_name', 'gene_biotype'])

pyWGCNA_5xFAD.updateGeneInfo(geneList) pyWGCNA_5xFAD.analyseWGCNA() pyWGCNA_5xFAD.saveWGCNA()

When running the above code, the following prompt appears: No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module black No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module darkgrey No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module darkred No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module darksalmon No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module firebrick No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module indianred No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module lightgrey No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module mistyrose No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module red No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module rosybrown No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module salmon No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module silver No enrich terms when cutoff = 1 in module whitesmoke

Why is this? How can I change cutoff?

nargesr commented 9 months ago


Thank you for using PyWGCNA.

Would you mind sending me a snapshot of your pyWGCNA_5xFAD.datExpr.var? I wanted to make sure you have a correct gene name column in your dataset.

But overall if you have the correct info in your PyWGCNA object that means there are no GO terms (the cutoff is p-value). you can also do GO analysis directly using functional_enrichment_analysis().

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