mos-stack / mOS-networking-stack

A Specialized Network Programming Library for Stateful Middleboxes:
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segfault when using only some interfaces #14

Open tbarbette opened 6 years ago

tbarbette commented 6 years ago

When using only some interfaces (eg only dpdk1 when there is in fact dpdk0 and dpdk1 on the machine) leads to a segfault, at least with epwget.

GetOutputInterface will return the "name" index instead of the interface index, therefore this line segfault : api.c:936 saddr_base = g_config.mos->netdev_table->ent[nif_out]->ip_addr; as nif_out should be 0 and not 1

ajamshed commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting the bug. We will patch up the code to fix this issue soon.