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Garbage Collection #88

Open charsleysa opened 10 years ago

charsleysa commented 10 years ago

Currently there is no way to reclaim memory in MOSA. This issue may not seem much of a big deal now but when we get ARM support up and running MOSA may be run in memory constrained environments so it will need to reclaim unused memory or it will run out of memory quite quickly.

Garbage collection in the Runtime will solve this but the issue is how do we implement it?

I propose that for starters we look at using a reference counter implementation as it will be the easiest to implement. I am aware that there are issues with it such as circular reference failure but those are minimal cases which are acceptable for MOSA 1.5.

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ArsenShnurkov commented 10 years ago

Garbage Collector + Memory manager what is stable for use (in COSMOS OS):

charsleysa commented 10 years ago

@ArsenShnurkov that code can't be used for a few reasons: It's old and outdated COSMOS don't even use it any more MOSA and COSMOS have different structures which make code ports almost impossible.

Also I severely dislike their code management, it looks very fragmented and difficult to follow.

With MOSA we should be able to create a simple garbage collector thanks to the compiler and it's IR stages which allow us to quickly insert code to all platforms and allow us to make calls into the platform specific runtimes.

tgiphil commented 10 years ago

I would avoid what I consider to be the rabbit hole pursuit of trying to implement a working reference counting garbage collector. What makes MOSA unique is that all the compilation stages maintain if a register or stack location is an object type or something else. This is by design so precise garbage collector can be implemented. I'd rather spend time in that pursuit.

charsleysa commented 10 years ago

The problem I see with the way mosa is at the moment is that while we know this information at compile time we are missing a lot of this information at runtime.

With a mark and sweep system, if we miss even one root that would cause a fatal crash of the operating system.

As of yet I haven't figured out an efficient implementation of Mark and sweep.

ArsenShnurkov commented 10 years ago

Staccato: A Parallel and Concurrent Real-time Compacting Garbage Collector for Multiprocessors summer of 2006

the Garbage Collection Bibliography (up to 2009-2010)

Just google query (it gives citation counts):

tgiphil commented 9 years ago

My current thoughts and plans for the first basic GC implementation are:

1) Precise object tracking --- the compiler will emit detailed stack and register usage. 2) Objects are allocated from memory blocks (maybe around 4k each) 3) Objects can span more than one block. 4) Memory block allocations are tracked and hold flags to indicate active or not per block 5) All objects contain a bit to indicate if the object was traversed already during a GC (the meaning of the bit flips each GC cycle) 6) On garbage collection -

This is a simple design with some advantages: notably easy/straightforward implementation, fast memory allocator, reclamation of unused memory (without compacting) and disadvantages: internal fragmentation (by objects less than 4k) and external fragmentation (less continuous memory).

Again, only my initial thoughts - this may change as we get closer to implementation.

GeroL commented 9 years ago

GC of .Net itself: C++ but still maybe useable somehow

ArsenShnurkov commented 7 years ago Continuously Concurrent Compacting Collector it never falls back to a stop-the-world compaction.

tgiphil commented 7 years ago

@ArsenShnurkov I'm working on 1) Precise Object Tracking now. It requires structure changes to the compiler to track object references and object offsets. In addition, x86 specific operand types, which are incompatible with other platforms, are being removed.

ArsenShnurkov commented 7 years ago

@tgiphil, May I ask you write a wiki page about current state of GC in MOSA ? In particular - how the existing code structured and how to start read/understand it.

tgiphil commented 7 years ago

Sure; however, there is no GC code yet. The compiler was recently restructured to support Precise Object Tracking by keeping track of object types and areas where object pointers may be obtrusive (i.e.. during a bitwise memory-to-memory copy).

Interesting note: With the new GDB Connector (used with the new debugger), it will be possible to leverage it and write a prototype GC outside of the kernel and rigorously debug and test it.

ArsenShnurkov commented 7 years ago

2007, MS, STOPLESS: A Real-Time Garbage Collector for Multiprocessors     It was implemented on top of the Bartok compiler and runtime for C#     this is the first garbage collector that provides real-time support on stock multiprocessor hardware

2001, IBM, A Pure Reference Counting Garbage Collector     collects cyclic garbage     no counters for stack objects

ArsenShnurkov commented 7 years ago

@tgiphil, Please read this paper, it shoud give you some ideas on tracking (compressing, GC-unsafe instructions, usage of decompiler-like code to calculate instruction length):

1999, Intel, Support for Garbage Collection at Every Instruction in Compiler     compiler creates map for every instruction:     the set of registers and stack locations and "stack adjustment"

What is different or similar in your Precise Object Tracking implementation?

tgiphil commented 7 years ago

@ArsenShnurkov - Thanks for sharing the paper. I have not read this one before.

Below are my notes for the future GC implementation - it includes compact GC map:

1. Create internal GC class
2. Create memory pools 
3. Initialize gen 1 & 3 using a memory pool
4. Add GC.Fixed(object reference) to add the object to the fixed-do-not-move list
5. Create initial static objects in gen 3 since they generally are long lived
6. Create a table lists of pointers to static objects
    a. Loads & stores find & update static objects on this table
    b. This table also forms the one of the roots for GC
7. For each method stack frame, create map with the following:
    a. List of object parameters (offset from EBP)
    b. Compressed map showing for each PC location which registers have an object reference
    c. Compressed map showing for each stack space the PC ranges where the stack spaces contains a live object reference
    d. Idea for compressing both maps:
        i. Map is constructed by following this run length encoding scheme
        ii. The first two bits of every byte represent the instruction code
        iii. Instructions:
            1) 00: INCREMENT  {5 bits: increment}
                ® Special: All zero means end of encoding
            2) 01: REGISTER {1 bit: alive or dead} {3 bits: register index}
            3) 10: STACK { 1bit: alive or dead} {5 bits: index} 
                ® indexed from EBP / 4 (alignment)
            4) 11: EXTENDED {6 bits: index}
                ® Add this index to the next stack instruction's index
    e. Iterative alive analysis finds where registers and stack slots contains object references at each PC position

Important to remember is to take a pointer to an object, it must be fixed first. And once fixed, an object can not be moved by the GC. So there is no need to try to track this reference (and any offsets derived from it).

tgiphil commented 7 years ago

In comparison with the GC in the paper vs the our proposed MOSA implementation:

ArsenShnurkov commented 7 years ago

a paper about interrior pointers: 2009, MS, Transacting Pointer-based Accesses in an Object-based Software Transactional Memory System     Section 6 describes an important optimization that eliminates runtime overhead in most cases.

I understand why interrior pointers are necessary (passing object fields and array elements into methods by reference, delegates for value types?), I understand why pinning is necessary (to work with external devices like videocards), but I don't understand why unsafe code is necessary in MOSA

tgiphil commented 7 years ago

Unsafe code is necessary mostly because it's unavoidable. All the open source versions .NET framework use unsafe code internally. Note: The MOSA kernel and device drivers will avoid using any unsafe code.

L3tum commented 6 years ago


I'd really like to get into this issue. However, I'm unsure where to start with it in MOSA. Could you point me to some locations?

evo01 commented 6 years ago

If you need some help with it, let me know. I have studied the subject some and got both major books on the subject.

tgiphil commented 6 years ago

@L3tum Great! Let's jump right in:

We plan to implement a precise garbage collector (rather than a conservative garbage collector). This means the compiler needs to emit metadata that precisely describes the lifetime of all object references at every point of execution and every memory location.

There are four basic pieces of this metadata required to make this happen:

  1. At every point within a method, which registers contain object references,
  2. Stack locations contain object references --- such as with the passing and returning of object references during a method call,
  3. Temporary stack locations contain object references -- usually spill/store locations or non-primitive structs, and
  4. Static objects or structs.

The first item is the most challenging and where we should start. Take a look at PreciseGCStage.cs. It’s re-using some data flow analysis from the register allocation --- because they both attempt to determine the life spans of registers. In the case of the register allocator, it was analyzing the virtual registers life spans to determine what physical register to actually use. While in this stage, the life span analysis is for physical registers that contain object references.

Note: For implementation simplicity, we try to maintain interior pointers (pointers directly to the root of an object) in all register and stack locations. Memory accesses are then indirect with the base register pointing to the root of the objects and offset in other register, or as an immediate constant. This avoids having to account for pointers directly into an object – which may be constantly changing (such as within a loop).

At present, PreciseGCStage is vastly incomplete and what is there is untested. It would be helpful to complete and test the implementation that determines when registers contain object references. And then emit compact metadata that descriptions the live object references at each instruction point.

See my July 17 notes, specifically 7, on to emit a compact GC metadata. This is just my initial idea – and there may be much better ways to do this. The key criteria for any representation is that it be compact and relatively fast to decode during a GC cycle.

L3tum commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the detailed answer!

So far I think I've figured out where to begin in MOSA. Just one question: I'm unsure where/how to emit the metadata/map or what exactly you mean with it. I understand the general concept and structure you're going with, I think, but I'm not really sure where to save the maps etc. to, so to speak, and how to do it in MOSA. I don't want to do anything wrong just because I misunderstood something so I figured I'd ask before I just start with something.

evo01 commented 6 years ago

So is the long term plan to have two execution / garbage collection models?
a) One that handles garbage collection for compiled operating system code that has predetermined GC points b) Another for users programs?

tgiphil commented 6 years ago

@L3tum Understood. Let's break the live ranges analysis into three steps/parts: 1) the actual analysis, and 2) compressing the map, and 3) emitting metadata/map.

The analysis needs to generate lists of instruction ranges where an object reference is alive. Most of this is already written since it based on the same analysis for register allocation - the only difference is this stage focuses on physical registers. I believe there are some TODO notes in the code. Once the code is drafted, let's add trace code to dump the live ranges information to Explorer's debug window. We can then review it manually to see if it is working. And if so, move on to the next step.

The next step is to compresses the map. My proposal is similar to traditional a runtime-length compression algorithm, except it's not based on repeating characters, but rather the change points of the live ranges - in other words where a live range starts or ends - within the sets of registers and stack locations. So, gaps where there are no changes do not require any additional bits of encoding. This is important because on x86/x64 instructions are variable length. In addition, a status change can only affect one or two registers at a time. So, we capitalize on the rarity of changes to the live ranges to efficiency encode the map. I'll write up a more detailed specification. (note: I'm open to other forms of encoding).

Ideally, the compression routine would stream out the metadata map sequentially from the start to end of a method. So this step would be embedded in the part above. The actually code that emits of the metadata is very similar to writing to a file stream. See examples: ProtectedRegionLayoutStage.cs and MetadataStage.cs. Note: These examples rely heavily on the linker's post processing --- which won't be necessary for this map --- so ignore all the linker method codes and zero filling.

Don't worry about doing anything wrong - rather think of this as a learning opportunity. If you have any questions, you can post them here or on gitter (recommended).

tgiphil commented 6 years ago

@evo01 - The focus is short-term -> a simplistic garbage collector for a single-process with multiple threads.

evo01 commented 6 years ago

@tgiphil - Thanks!


L3tum commented 6 years ago

@tgiphil Alright, thanks!

I think I understand MOSA a bit better now so I'll get working.