moscajs / mosca

MQTT broker as a module
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Server with persistence to Azure Redis Cache #670

Closed nachten closed 6 years ago

nachten commented 6 years ago

Hi There,

I got my development environment running with a local Redis server, but now I need to setup my production environment. The thing is that I use Azure Redis Cache with SSL + Authentication on.

My mosca servers settings look as follows:

var ascoltatore = {
    type: 'ioredis',
    redis: require('ioredis'),
    host: '<my_hostname>',
    port: 6380,
    password: '<my_authentication_key>',
    return_buffers: true, 

var moscaSettings = {
    port: 8883,
    secure: {
        port: 8883,
        keyPath: '/ssl/server.key',
        certPath: '/ssl/server.crt'
    allowNonSecure: false,
    backend: ascoltatore,
    persistence: {
        factory: mosca.persistence.Redis,
        port: 6380,
        host: '<my_hostname>',
        password: '<my_authentication_key>',

With these settings I can not get an connection to my Redis Cache in Azure.

But when I create a simple ioredis client solution like the example below, everything works like a charm ...

var redisClient = new Redis({
        port: 6380,
        host: '<my_hostname>',
        password: '<my_authentication_key>',
        tls: {
               hostname: '<my_hostname>'

Please help me understand what I should do to make my mqtt server work in my production environment.

nachten commented 6 years ago

I have found the problem ... in the documentation it states that the redis persistence class has the setting "redisOpts" But this redisOpts is nowhere used in the code but "redisOptions" is ...

So when i change my code to this:

var ascoltatore = {
    type: 'ioredis',
    redis: require('ioredis'),
    host: '<my_hostname>',
    port: 6380,
    password: '<my_authentication_key>',
    return_buffers: true, 

var moscaSettings = {
    port: 8883,
    secure: {
        port: 8883,
        keyPath: '/ssl/server.key',
        certPath: '/ssl/server.crt'
    allowNonSecure: false,
    backend: ascoltatore,
    persistence: {
        factory: mosca.persistence.Redis,
        redisOptions: {
            port: 6380,
            host: '<my_hostname>',
            password: '<my_authentication_key>',
            tls: {
                hostname: '<my_hostname>'

Problem is my server is now running accepting connections ... but for some reason I can not yet publish any messages on the server yet ...