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MQTT broker as a module
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Mqtt publish working from mosca But not working from node js server #753

Closed saravanans-arch closed 6 years ago

saravanans-arch commented 6 years ago


I'm a beginner of IoT. I Try to On / Off Light using nodemcu and mqtt and node js server. My Code:

mqtt-server.js var mosca = require('mosca'); var settings = { port: 1883 }; var mqtt = require('mqtt'); console.log(mqtt); client = mqtt.createClient(1883, 'localhost'); //here we start mosca var server = new mosca.Server(settings); server.on('ready', setup); // fired when the mqtt server is ready function setup() { console.log('Mosca server is up and running') } // fired whena client is connected server.on('clientConnected', function(client) { console.log('client connected',; }); // fired when a message is received server.on('published', function(packet, client) { // console.log('Published : ', packet.payload); }); // fired when a client subscribes to a topic server.on('subscribed', function(topic, client) { console.log('subscribed : ', topic); }); // fired when a client subscribes to a topic server.on('unsubscribed', function(topic, client) { console.log('unsubscribed : ', topic); }); // fired when a client is disconnecting server.on('clientDisconnecting', function(client) { console.log('clientDisconnecting : ',; }); // fired when a client is disconnected server.on('clientDisconnected', function(client) { console.log('clientDisconnected : ',; });

var ledCommand = '1';

/setInterval(function() { ledCommand = (ledCommand === '1') ? '2' : '1'; console.log({topic: 'LEDToggle', payload: ledCommand}); server.publish({topic: 'LEDToggle', payload: ledCommand}); }, 5000);/

iot-server.js client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://localhost:1883')

AssetControllerApi.prototype.upsertAssetController = function(req,callback){

var self = this; var inputObj = req.body;

self.assetServiceApi.upsertSpaceService(inputObj,function (err,result) {

    if(inputObj.status === "open"){

        client.publish({topic: 'LEDToggle', payload: "2"})

        client.publish({topic: 'LEDToggle', payload: "1"})
    callback(err, result);


light.ino void callback(char topic, byte payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Message arrived ["); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print("] "); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Serial.print((char)payload[i]); }

// Switch on the LED if an 1 was received as first character if ((char)payload[0] == '1') { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW); // Turn the LED on (Note that LOW is the voltage level snprintf (msg, 75, "LIGHT STATUS OFF"); // but actually the LED is on; this is because // it is acive low on the ESP-01) } else { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH); // Turn the LED off by making the voltage HIGH snprintf (msg, 75, "LIGHT STATUS ON"); }


Any one please help me? What is wrong with this code?

saravanans-arch commented 6 years ago

Sorry, Thats my mistake. This is Wrong syntax : client.publish({topic: 'LEDToggle', payload: "2"});

Proper syntax is : client.publish('LEDToggle', '2');