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Potential term support #31

Open ahy3nz opened 5 years ago

ahy3nz commented 5 years ago

Different engine formats and external packages have slightly different functions, which will affect the resultant parameters for I/O:

Bond potentials

engine/package functional form comments
internal V = (1/2) k (r-r_eq)**2 Default form in BondType
gromacs V = (1/2) k (r-r0)**2 gmx bondtype 1
lammps V = k * (r-r0)**2 bond_style harmonic
hoomd V = (1/2) k (r-r0)**2
parmed V = k * (r-r0)**2 This code
openmm xml V = (1/2) k (r-r0)**2 OpenMM 7.0 Theory guide

Angle potentials

engine/package functional form comments
internal V = (1/2) k (theta-theta_eq)**2 Default form in AngleType
gromacs V = (1/2) k (theta -theta0)**2 gmx angletype 1
parmed V = k * (theta-theta0)**2 This code

Dihedral potentials

Potential Templates

name functional form parameters comments
LennardJonesPotential V = 4 epsilon ((sigma/r)12 - (sigma/r)6 epsilon, sigma
MiePotential V = (n/(n-m)) * (n/m)(m/(n-m)) epsilon ((sigma/r)n - (sigma/r)**m) n, m, epsilon, sigma
BuckinghamPotential V = a exp(-b r) - c * r**-6 a, b, c
HarmonicBondPotential V = 0.5 k (r-r_eq)**2 k, r_eq
HarmonicAnglePotential V = 0.5 k (theta - theta_eq)**2 k, theta_eq
HarmonicTorsionPotential V = 0.5 k (phi - phi_eq)**2 k, phi_eq phi_cis = 0
PeriodicTorsionPotential V = k (1 + cos(n phi - phi_eq))**2 k, n, phi_eq phi_cis = 0
OPLSTorsionPotential V = k0 + 0.5 k1 (1 + cos(phi)) + 0.5 k2 (1 - cos(2 phi)) + 0.5 k3 (1 + cos(3 phi)) + 0.5 k4 (1 - cos(4 * phi)) k0, k1, k2, k3, k4 phi_cis = 0
RyckaertBellemansTorsionPotential V = c0 * cos(phi)0 + c1 * cos(phi)*1 + c2 cos(phi)2 + c3 * cos(phi)3 + c4 * cos(phi)*4 + c5 cos(phi)5 c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 phi_trans = 0
mattwthompson commented 5 years ago

I wonder if we can get sympy to intelligently compare functions that are similar but not quite exact, like the case of harmonic bond potentials sometimes having a 1/2 coefficient and sometimes having it wrapped into the force constant.

ahy3nz commented 5 years ago
>>> func1 = sympy.sympify('0.5 * k * (r-r0)**2')
>>> func2 = sympy.sympify('k * (r-r0)**2')
>>> func1
0.5*k*(r - r0)**2
>>> func2
k*(r - r0)**2
>>> small_k = 500
>>> big_k = 1000
>>> func1.subs({'k': small_k})
250.0*(r - r0)**2
>>> func1.subs({'k': small_k})
250.0*(r - r0)**2
>>> func1.subs({'k': big_k})
500.0*(r - r0)**2
>>> func2.subs({'k': small_k})
500*(r - r0)**2
>>> subs_1 = func1.subs({'k': big_k})
>>> subs_2 = func2.subs({'k': small_k})
>>> subs_1
500.0*(r - r0)**2
>>> subs_2
500*(r - r0)**2
>>> subs_1 == subs_2
>>> func1 == func2

It looks like if you substitute 'k' into the sympy.functions, it looks like equality can be compared. but if you compare the non-substituted sympy.functions, you won't get equality