mosemister / EntityDisguise

First Release
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Deadzone bug and player disguise #5

Open Harchvertelol opened 4 years ago

Harchvertelol commented 4 years ago

1) It is impossible to make dead zone 0, the entity begins to push the character. 2) Please add the ability to disguise as a player, as was the case in a similar plugin for bukkit.

mosemister commented 4 years ago

The bukkit plugins adapt network packets to send the disguise character instead of sending you the player. To modify network packets you need to use NMS which is something Sponge is attempting to avoid. This means I personally will not do it either. If you want this fixed (which would fix the other issue you have) then please get sponge to add disguise based API calls to Sponge. Such as the ability to swap the player (or any entity)s model with an EntitySnapshot.

As for part one, the deadzone issue. Its something I have wantes to fix since its inception, however this is more of a issue with vanilla minecraft where it does not support two entities (such as player and zombie) to occupy the same space or even close to it, hence why there is a feature such as the deadzone

Harchvertelol commented 4 years ago

Variant: set player gamemode 3 (spectator) for the mob we turned into. Can you do this?

mosemister commented 4 years ago

Never thought about specatator mode, not sure if collide still occurs. The issue there would be stopping the exploitation of the gamemode. Next time I get round to EntityDisguise again, ill see what I can do.

You would be able to test it yourself as currently you can swap gamemodes within disguise, if it will work then you would be able to set deadzone to 0.

Harchvertelol commented 4 years ago

I already tested this: it works, but me flying, and mob flying too. And I can’t walk, only fly.

mosemister commented 4 years ago

What happens when you walk?

Harchvertelol commented 4 years ago

In spectator gamemode fly is default. I dont know how walk :(

mosemister commented 4 years ago

This is one of the exploits I want to avoid. Anyway Ill do some testing when I get round to it, im pretty busy with university, trying to move, etc.

Harchvertelol commented 4 years ago

Oh, good luck, this is most important!