mosen / mysides

A command line application for managing OS X Finder sidebar favourites
MIT License
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Alternative to mysides #23

Open mbrotz opened 5 years ago

mbrotz commented 5 years ago

This project might be an alternative to mysides, since mysides seems to be broken on macOS 10.13.6.

acsr commented 10 months ago

mysides works for me even on Ventura. There is an issue with certain Sidebar content breaking the listing dropping an zsh: segmentation fault mysides list error. See my ticket:

I could work around this issue by replacing entries next to the break or removing/reordering them. Sometimes its easy, sometimes cumbersome, but most of the times easier as collecting stuff again by hand.

My usual workflow is:

  1. Doing frequent backups of the sidebar using mysides list > my_backup.txt
  2. For changes: Reformating this list to a handcrafted non generic shellscript that first removes all former entries using mysides remove command, and then add the new ones back in the expected order using mysides add commands in the final order.
    • If an added item is already present, it behaves different, therefore the initial remove step
  3. If you have just some garbage left, just rerun mysides add from your crafted (last) list export and just cleanup the rest

Update: The current maintained fork of FinderSidebarEditor is currently at: !

The benefit of mysides over is the option to set Name and Link seperately. I really like Python and it is a snap to use the Alternative for me, but the missing rename of the target needs some enhancement, so I am lazy and go for mysides. Also the listing feature seems to be missing in FinderSidebarEditor(at least in the docs) Maybe this can be the source of the break as well. I never managed to drill the origin of the mysides list break effect.

Most of my Favorites pointing to a server are Links using file:///path%20to%20local%20alias%20file targets. file:///Volumes/myMountedVolume/localFilepath... works as well, but direct remote URLs are often gone from time to time. (Therefore I need mysides to backup my setup).