moses-palmer / pystray

GNU General Public License v3.0
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icon.stop doesn't works when run is given the parameter setup. It works just fine otherwise under similar conditions except the setup parameter. #113

Closed avinash-550 closed 2 years ago

avinash-550 commented 2 years ago
#to stop entire program
def **quit_window**(icon, item):

    #stop the running icon

class Icon_class():
    def __init__(self):
        #open image
        self.image ="icon_image.png")

        #create option menu to quit systray icon'Quit', **quit_window**),)

        #create icon
        self.icon=Icon("name", self.image, "Battery notifier",

    def run_icon(self):
        #run icon
        **self.icon.run_detached(setup = change_ui)**
avinash-550 commented 2 years ago

platform - windows 10 python 3.8x

Other information - change_ui function runs infinitely.

tbooth commented 2 years ago

I'm working on Linux but I believe I have the same problem. The setup function is started in a new thread, and that function has to exit before icon.stop() can work.

In my case, the function has a loop where it runs time.sleep(5). Solution is to replace this with threading.Event().wait()...

def event_loop(icon):
    """Update the status every 5 seconds
    # This provides an interruptable timer
    icon.timeout = threading.Event()

    # We always need to do this...
    icon.visible = True

    while True:
        if icon.timeout.wait(timeout=5):
            # We were rudely interrupted - exit!

        print("Updating status...")

Now to interrupt the thread and exit the main loop, put this in the "Quit" menu item callback:


If this is a generally useful pattern, maybe it can be added to the docs?

moses-palmer commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your report.

Stopping blocking until the setup function returns is expected behaviour, but I realise that it is not clearly stated.

On the master branch the documentation has been updated, and a workaround with a timeout and a warning log has been added.