mosh-hamedani / vidly-api-node

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MongoDB Compass doesn't show the vidly-tests folder or the users folder inside the vidly folder? #35

Closed CookiBytes closed 3 years ago

CookiBytes commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm doing the Mastering React course, Calling Backend Services section on Lesson 20. So I solved one issue, which was in the MongoDB Compass, and the problem was that the vidly folder was not showing in my cluster / database but I couldn't get the users folder inside the vidly folder and I didn't get the vidly-tests folder either.

No users folder? No vidly-tests folder? Tests failed

Also when I run npm test all of the tests fail (see Tests failed image) and I don't get why. I did everything he did properly and I also looked on the React 2019 Course | Bcrypt issue and I updated it, did npm i and I also deleted the package-lock.json because it gave me an error when I ran npm i. Please help with this issue, I would very much appreciate it.

I rewatched the videos, (Lesson 19 and 20) over 4 times and researched them in his forum and on the net. I hope I explained my problem well, if you need anymore details please ask me.


CookiBytes commented 3 years ago


In case anyone else has the same problem, do what @factorlive said in the React 2019 Course | Bcrypt error issue.

Run npm i bcrypt@latest

And then do the other commands Mosh tells you to do and then, run node index.js in the terminal, and then you'll get your result.

Also about the MongoDB Compass, the vidly-tests folder and user folder inside the vidly folder are still not appearing, but as long as you have your http://localhost:3900/api/genres page working, everything is totally fine!